Reminder Date: Friday November 9th, 2012 Time: From 5:00 UTC to 23:00 UTC We would like to invite everyone to come join us in #centos-devel on this Friday Nov 9th, 2012 for a CentOS test day. The aim of the exercise is to get more people looking at the tests we already have, running them on their infrastructure and ultimately joining the effort as contributors. You will need a machine instance ( either physical machine, or a VPS or a Cloud Instance or a VM on your machine ); need a VM image ? you can download one from here as prep : - being able to connect to the internet from that machine instance is essential, and as there are quite a few packages installed / uninstalled / cleaned out - a local CentOS mirror would be handy if you are on a slow link to the internet. The tests are mostly written in bash, but you can use any language you like - just grab yourself a account in advance. Knowledge of git helps, but isn't necessary. The test day will run from 05:00 UTC till 23:00 UTC, and there will be a couple of the CentOS QA guys and people who have contributed to the tests already, to help you get started and join the effort. We will have brief, clear instructions on : - Getting a copy of the most current tests - Set them up on your machine instance - Run the tests - Feedback results and recommendations - Templates to write new tests with - Submission process to contribute new tests - Instructions on howto run the tests regularly in the future The Test Day landing page is being setup here : and will be ready by Wednesday Nov 7th, 2012. These tests are important : we run then every time there is a new iso, new image, new updates etc ready to be released by the project. Getting good and widespread coverage of these tests means that we all end up getting more trustworthy updates. See you then! -- Karanbir Singh, The CentOS Project +44-207-0999389 | | GnuPG Key : _______________________________________________ CentOS-announce mailing list CentOS-announce@xxxxxxxxxx