Revisions to Diphtheria Chapter 1:
- updating the Disease Description and Background sections to include information on the current epidemiology of cutaneous and NTTB diphtheria
- updating the Case and Close Contacts Investigation section to include current information regarding the investigation, testing, treatment, and case notification of non-toxin and toxin-producing diphtheria
Revisions to the diphtheria chapter appendices:
- deleting Appendix 1 – Instructions for specimen collection and transport for laboratory testing of Corynebacterium diphtheriae and C. ulcerans
- updating and providing as fillable, Appendix 2 – Guidelines for managing a suspected case of diphtheria and for managing close contacts
- updating and providing as fillable, Appendix 3 - CDC Diphtheria Worksheet
Revisions to Lab Support Chapter 22:
- updating Table 1 - Lab Contacts information