2022 Pink Book Web-on-Demand Series: Measles, Mumps, Rubella Now Live
The Pink Book Web-on-Demand Series Update on Measles, Mumps, Rubella is now live. Neil Murthy, MD, MPH, MSJ, Medical Officer, Communications and Education Branch (CEB), Immunization Services Division (ISD), National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) provides an update on these vaccine-preventable diseases and the vaccines used to protect against them. Suzanne Johnson-DeLeon moderates this session.
There is no registration process to view this presentation. Questions about the material presented can be submitted to nipinfo@xxxxxxx.
A new video will be released every Tuesday through November 1, 2022. Join us next week for the Polio and Hib presentation.
Please visit the Pink Book Series webpage for the 2022 release schedule and additional information. Continuing Education will be available for this event.