Report on Factors Associated with COVID-19 Among Children and Adolescents. December 15, 2020 EARLY RELEASE Factors Associated with Positive SARS-CoV-2 Test Results in Outpatient Health Facilities and Emergency Departments Among Children and Adolescents Aged <18 Years — Mississippi, September–November 2020 PDF of this report (link). Subscribe to the new MMWR podcast series. The MMWR Weekly COVID-19 Briefing is a weekly podcast to update readers on the latest scientific information from CDC’s COVID-19 response. In each episode, MMWR Editor-in-Chief Dr. Charlotte Kent provides an overview of the latest scientific information published in MMWR. New episodes are posted every week. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, and Google Play.This week’s episode covers five MMWR COVID-19 reports. One report outlines a combination of ten actions that individuals, families, and communities can take to save lives, and speed up community and economic recovery. The second report describes how Head Start programs successfully implemented CDC COVID-19 guidance for child care programs that offer in-person learning as well as other ancillary measures. The third report details data from July 2020 surveys on parental attitudes about school reopening. The fourth report looks at trends in emergency department visits related to child abuse and neglect. The final report shows how the COVID-19-associated death rate among adults who are American Indian or Alaska Native are higher than that of non-Hispanic White adults. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Rd Atlanta, GA 30329 1-800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636) TTY: 888-232-6348Questions or Problems | Unsubscribe