Subscribe to the new MMWR podcast series. The MMWR Weekly COVID-19 Briefing is a weekly podcast to update readers on the latest scientific information from CDC’s COVID-19 response. In each episode, MMWR Editor-in-Chief Dr. Charlotte Kent provides an overview of the latest scientific information published in MMWR. New episodes are posted every Monday. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, and Google Play.
This week, MMWR published seven reports. One report compares adverse outcomes from patients hospitalized with COVID-19 versus influenza. Two reports examine deaths during the pandemic including COVID-19–associated deaths and excess deaths. Another report finds that socially vulnerable communities are more likely to become COVID-19 hotspots. A theme that runs through these first four reports is the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 among racial and ethnic minority groups. Another two reports highlight COVID-19 public health strategies in two countries in Africa. Lastly, a report looked at how new protocols put in place by Major League Baseball might have prevented a COVID-19 outbreak.