#SleeveUp Social Media Activation Roll your #SleeveUp to #FightFlu this fall! Encourage your followers on social media to roll their sleeves up for an annual flu vaccine by featuring photos of your organization’s leader and community members with their #SleeveUp getting their flu vaccine or showing off their bandage from having gotten a flu vaccine. Visit this page to download social media “frames” and other graphics. By participating in this activation, you can help promote flu vaccination to reduce flu illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths this fall and winter and save medical resources for the care of COVID-19 patients. | |
NCIRD Data and Publications
National Influenza Vaccination Week National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW), which will be observed from December 6-12, highlights the importance of continuing flu vaccination through the holiday season and beyond. Help promote vaccination throughout flu season by sharing NIVW resources, including our digital toolkit, social media messages, communication resources, widgets, and more. | |
Resources for Healthcare Professionals
Archived Webinar: Strengthening Vaccine Confidence in Pediatric and Family Practice Offices During the COVID-19 Pandemic On August 19, 2020 CDC and the Public Health Foundation hosted a webinar about how to strengthen vaccine confidence among parents, ensure safe well visits, and implement CDC guidance for immunization during the COVID-19 pandemic. Speakers included CAPT Sarah Schillie, MD, MPH and Jessica MacNeil, MPH from NCIRD’s Immunization Services Division. View the archived webinar. | |
Archived Webinar: Acute Flaccid Myelitis: What Healthcare Providers Need to Know in 2020 In preparation for a possible acute flaccid myelitis outbreak in 2020, CDC wants to make sure clinicians can promptly recognize AFM symptoms, appropriately manage patients, and report suspected cases. Watch “Acute Flaccid Myelitis: What Healthcare Providers Need to Know in 2020” webinar to learn more and earn free continuing education credits. | |
“No One Has Time for the Flu” Ad Campaign
Communities of color bear a disproportionate burden of serious flu illness and experience disparities in flu vaccination coverage. The Ad Council, the American Medical Association (AMA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the CDC Foundation have launched a culturally relevant ad campaign and website to reach African American and Hispanic adults. The ads will appear in print, TV, radio, social media, out-of-home and digital formats nationwide. View the campaign toolkit for more information and shareable materials. | |
New Videos: “How Vaccines Work” CDC has created 15-second and 30-second versions of its popular “How Vaccines Work” videos, which follow baby Jack and his parents, getting answers to common vaccine-related questions and learning more about the importance of vaccinating on schedule. We encourage you to embed these into your websites and social media messages. View a sample 15-second video here and all of the videos in this YouTube playlist. | | Updated Infographic: HPV is the best protection against 6 types of cancer CDC has updated its “HPV iceberg” infographic to include the latest data about HPV cancers. Share it on social media or download and print it to post in provider offices. | |
Leading by Example Initiative The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) has launched the Leading By Example initiative, which calls on community leaders in healthcare, business, education, and politics to make a commitment to influenza prevention. View the list of current supporters and consider joining yourself. | |
Innovative Ways to Maintain Immunization Coverage During a Pandemic The National Association of County and City Health Official (NACCHO) Immunization Workgroup has compiled stories describing how local health departments are using innovative strategies to maintain immunization coverage during a pandemic. View stories from Austin, Denver, California, Houston, Maryland, and Seattle & King County. | |
Promising Practices for Adolescent Immunization In July, the National HPV Vaccination Roundtable invited health systems and immunizers to join facilitated conversations on adolescent vaccination during the pandemic. These conversations were summarized into a new promising practices document for all organizations looking to get adolescent immunization back on track. Access the resource here. Related messaging in videos and infographics is available here. | |