New FREE Continuing Education Activity from MMWR and Medscape

CDC’s MMWR and Medscape are proud to introduce a new FREE continuing education (CE) activity. The goal of this activity is to describe updated National TB Controllers Association (NTCA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations for screening, testing, and treating U.S. health care personnel (HCP) for tuberculosis (TB) to prevent transmission in healthcare settings.
This activity is intended for public health/prevention officials, infectious disease physicians, hospital administrators, internists, pulmonologists, nurses and pharmacists and other physicians involved in prevention of TB transmission among and through HCPs.
Upon completion of this activity, participants will:
- Describe updated NTCA and CDC recommendations for baseline and postexposure TB screening and testing for HCPs
- Determine updated NTCA and CDC recommendations for serial screening and testing for HCPs without latent TB infection
- Identify updated NTCA and CDC recommendations for evaluation and treatment of HCPs with positive TB test results
To access this free MMWR/Medscape CE activity, visit: https://www.medscape.org/viewarticle/920924. If you are not a registered user on Medscape, register for free or log in without a password and get unlimited access to all CE activities and other Medscape features.