Topics of interest from CDC this week:
Lynch Syndrome
Having a family health history of colorectal (colon) cancer can make you more likely to get colorectal cancer yourself. If you have close family members with colorectal cancer, collect your family health history of colorectal and other cancers, and share this information with your doctor.
Pink Eye
Pink eye is common and spreads easily. It sometimes needs medical treatment. Learn the symptoms, when to seek treatment, and how to help prevent it.
National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is a time to raise awareness about the presence of HIV and AIDS in our Native communities, which include American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians (collectively referred to as Native people).
Women & Hemophilia
Hemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder primarily affecting males—but females can also have hemophilia. Learn how hemophilia is passed in families, and read Shellye's inspirational story about her journey toward a diagnosis and treatment plan for hemophilia.
Getting enough sleep?
Getting enough sleep is important for people of all ages to stay in good health. Read more to learn how much sleep you need.
Keeping Backyard Poultry
Backyard chickens and other poultry (ducks, turkeys) can carry germs like Salmonella. After you touch a bird, or anything in the area where birds live and roam, wash your hands so you don't get sick!
Brain Safety
March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. Learn how you can help prevent TBIs, including concussion.