It's Not Too Late to Vaccinate
Influenza (Flu)

Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report
CDC's Influenza Division produces a weekly influenza surveillance report, FluView. According to last week's report (Nov 18-24), seasonal influenza activity has increased to levels above baseline in the United States.

It's Not Too Late to Vaccinate
As a health care professional (HCP), your flu vaccine recommendation makes a difference. Learn tips on how to improve your flu vaccination rates by making strong flu vaccine recommendations and answering important patient questions. Register today for CDC NCIRD's webinar #HowIRecommend Flu Vaccine: How to Make Recommendations that Matter to Patients on Wednesday, December 5, 2018, 1-2pm EST

No Doubt About It- Fight Flu this Season!
Flu season is coming; if you get sick with flu, you'll likely have aches, fever, cough and days of illness. At worst, flu can lead to serious complications and even death. Getting yourself and your family an annual flu vaccination is the best way to fight flu this season. Flu can be serious. Get a flu vaccine to reduce your risk of flu and its potentially serious complications.
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Children depend on their parents. Get a #fluvaccine for yourself and your child to reduce the risk from flu. #FightFlu
Content source: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases |