Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report
CDC's Influenza Division produces a weekly influenza surveillance report, FluView. According to this week's report (Oct 7-13), seasonal influenza activity is at levels below baseline in the United States.

Overview of Influenza Surveillance in the U.S.
We’re now in our second week of FluView reporting for the 2018-19 flu season. CDC’s Influenza Division compiles and analyzes surveillance information on flu activity year-round in the U.S. This information is used to produce FluView, a weekly influenza surveillance report.

Are You at High Risk for Serious Illness from Flu?
You or someone in your family may be at a higher risk for serious flu complications. Flu vaccination is especially important for young children, older adults, pregnant women and people with certain chronic health conditions because people at high risk are more likely to develop serious flu illness that can result in hospitalization or sometimes death.
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Flu is unpredictable, so it pays to be prepared. This year and every year, give yourself and your family the best protection. Get a #fluvaccine now before flu spreads in your community. https://go.usa.gov/xPRCW #FightFlu