MMWR Weekly Vol. 67, No. 37 September 21, 2018
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In this report
National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day — September 27, 2018
Age-Associated Trends in Diagnosis and Prevalence of Infection with HIV Among Men Who Have Sex with Men — United States, 2008–2016 Andrew Mitsch, MPH; Sonia Singh, PhD; Jianmin Li, DPE; et al.
Multidrug-Resistant Campylobacter jejuni Outbreak Linked to Puppy Exposure — United States, 2016–2018 Martha P. Montgomery, MD; Scott Robertson, DVM; Lia Koski, MPH; et al.
Puppies sold through the commercial dog industry were the source of a multistate outbreak of multidrug-resistant Campylobacter infections investigated during 2017–2018, warranting a closer look at the use of antibiotics in the commercial dog industry.
CDC Grand Rounds: Promoting Well-Being and Independence in Older Adults Benjamin S. Olivari, MPH; Matthew Baumgart; Sarah L. Lock, JD; et al.
Notes from the Field: Responding to an Outbreak of Monkeypox Using the One Health Approach — Nigeria, 2017–2018 Womi-Eteng Eteng, MSc; Anna Mandra, DVM; Jeff Doty; et al.
QuickStats: Percentage of Residential Care Community Residents with a Fall, by Census Region — United States, 2016
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Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention