HPV Vaccine Is Cancer Prevention
Champion Award: CDC, the American Cancer Society, and
the American Association of Cancer Institutes are partnering for the 2018 HPV Vaccine Is Cancer Prevention Champion
Award. This award was established in 2017 to recognize healthcare
professionals who are going above and beyond to foster HPV vaccination in their
communities. Last year's champions came from the 10 HHS regions in the U.S.
This year, the award criteria expanded to recognize up to one champion from
each of the 50 U.S. states, eight U.S. territories and freely associated
states, and the District of Columbia. If you know a clinician, clinic,
practice, group, or health system that is going above and beyond to protect
their adolescent patients from HPV cancers, we encourage you to nominate them.
The suggested deadline
to submit a nomination to your state or territorial immunization program is August 10, 2018. For more information,
and to access the nomination form, visit www.cdc.gov/hpv/champions or email PreteenVaccines@xxxxxxx.

National Immunization Awareness Month
(NIAM): NIAM is coming
up in August! With a new school year upon us, it is an opportune time to raise
awareness about the importance of vaccines in protecting children against
serious, sometimes deadly, diseases. In August, also remind adults, including
pregnant women and adults with chronic conditions, about the vaccines they need
to stay healthy before the flu season. CDC encourages partners to motivate
people of all ages to stay up to date on the vaccines recommended for them.
Take action to promote and support vaccinations during NIAM and beyond!
The National
Public Health Information Coalition’s (NPHIC) NIAM communication toolkits are available for download on the NPHIC
website. You can find
CDC promotional and educational resources for every stage of the life span on
CDC’s website for immunization partners. Additionally, please take a moment to share the great work your organization is
doing during NIAM.
CDC: 6 Reasons to Get HPV Vaccine for
Your Child
CDC’s new
listicle highlights six important reasons for parents to get HPV vaccine for their
children. The listicle includes graphics that are sharable on your social media
platforms as well as a full page PDF that can be printed to share with parents.

CDC: Refreshed Education Materials for
CDC has
recently updated several key materials to help clinicians improve their HPV
vaccination rates. Learn how to make an effective recommendation for HPV
vaccine and address parents’ questions with the Tips and Timesavers for Talking to
Parents. Find
practical and proven tips to increase your HPV vaccination rates with Top 10 Tips for HPV Vaccination Success. Learn about the burden of HPV cancers,
the importance of HPV vaccination, and why cervical cancer is just the tip of
the Iceberg.
CDC: Reminder Letter Template
recently developed a template reminder letter that can be adapted to inform
parents about vaccines their children need. Use this template letter before the
school year—and throughout the year—to remind parents when it’s time to protect
their adolescents against serious

HPV Roundtable: Power to Prevent Summer Campaign
Calling all HPV Cancer Prevention Superheroes! Last week, the National HPV Vaccination Roundtable launched its Power to Prevent HPV Cancer! communications event. Be a Part of the HPV Super Six Hero Team! The “HPV Super Six” are a team of superheroes with the power to prevent HPV cancers! Each superhero represents a clinical audience and is powered by a clinical action guide. Each action guide was carefully developed and rigorously reviewed by experts in each target profession and includes specific tools to help HPV Super Six heroes activate their special power to prevent HPV cancers.
The power to prevent cancer is in your hands! For more information about the campaign and to receive a suite of tools to help you reach your specific audiences with “Power to Prevent HPV Cancer” messages, visit: https://hpvroundtable.org/power/

AAP, APA, and Kognito: HPV Vaccine: Same
Way, Same Day™ Simulation
HPV Vaccine: Same Way, Same Day™ is a brief, interactive role-play simulation designed to enhance healthcare professionals’ ability to introduce the HPV vaccine and address parents’ concerns. It is ideal immunization education for clinicians involved in residency training, quality improvement collaboratives, office in-service training, etc. The simulation was developed by the Academic Pediatric Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and Kognito.
The complimentary versions are available for mobile devices:
IAC: Sturdy laminated versions of the 2018 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule
IAC's laminated versions of the 2018 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule are covered with a tough, washable coating; it will stand up to a year's worth of use in every area of your healthcare setting where immunizations are given. The schedules is four pages (i.e., two double-sided pages) folded to measure 8.5" x 11".
CDC CME: Routinely Recommending Cancer Prevention: HPV Vaccination at 11 and 12
as a Standard of Care
Preventing cancer is
better than treating it. HPV vaccination could prevent most HPV cancers from
ever developing. As such, CDC needs healthcare professionals to make strong
and effective HPV vaccine recommendations to all preteen patients.
In this engaging CME,
“Routinely Recommending Cancer Prevention: HPV Vaccination at 11 and 12 as a
Standard of Care,” you’ll learn how clinicians can and have been successfully
making HPV vaccine recommendations. You can earn 1 CME while getting tips and
strategies to help boost your HPV vaccination rates from an expert panel of
physicians who participate in a roundtable discussion. Reducing a missed
opportunity for vaccination means reducing the risk of cancer.
Watch this important CME
here: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/ed/hpv/routinely-recommending.html.