MMWR Weekly Vol. 67, No. 28 July 20, 2018
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In this report
World Hepatitis Day — July 28, 2018
Access to Treatment for Hepatitis B Virus Infection — Worldwide, 2016 Yvan Hutin, MD, PhD; Muazzam Nasrullah, MD, PhD; Philippa Easterbrook, MD; et al.
Worldwide, an estimated 257 million persons are living with chronic hepatitis B virus.
HIV Testing, Linkage to HIV Medical Care, and Interviews for Partner Services Among Black Men Who Have Sex with Men — Non–Health Care Facilities, 20 Southern U.S. Jurisdictions, 2016 Mariette Marano, MPH; Renee Stein, PhD; Wei Song, PhD; et al.
Identification of Primary Congenital Hypothyroidism Based on Two Newborn Screens — Utah, 2010–2016 David E. Jones, PhD; Kim Hart, MS; Stuart K. Shapira, MD, PhD; et al.
Notes from the Field: Occupational Carbon Monoxide Exposure in an Industrial Kitchen Facility — Wisconsin, 2017 Erica Wilson, MD; Carrie Tomasallo, PhD; Jonathan Meiman, MD.
Notes from the Field: Widespread Transmission of Circulating Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus Identified by Environmental Surveillance and Immunization Response — Horn of Africa, 2017–2018 Victor A. Eboh, MBBS; Jeevan K. Makam, MBBS; Rohit A. Chitale, PhD; et al.
QuickStats: Percentage of Residential Care Community Residents with an Advance Directive, by Census Division — National Study of Long-Term Care Providers, 2016
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Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention