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You are subscribed to CDC's ACIP Vaccine Recommendations email subscription service. This information has recently been updated and is now available.
Revision of Errata and Updates
Revisions already made:
Page numbers correspond to the PDF printer friendly version
- Page 29 (Table 3-1) “RZV” and “ZVL” added to the table.
- Page 93 – Last paragraph, the first sentence now reads: “For infants and younger children, if more than 2 vaccines are injected in a single limb, the thigh is preferred because of the greater muscle mass; the injections should be sufficiently separated (separate anatomic sites [i.e. ≥ 1 inch] if possible) so that any local reactions can be differentiated (8, 24)” This change clarifies that separate sites means two points separated by at least an inch.
- Page 115 (Table 7-1) now the Celsius storage temperatures are listed first with Fahrenheit second and in parentheses.
- Page 115 (Table 7-1) “RZV” added to the table
- Page 148 second paragraph – in the “Special Situations” section, language is clarified regarding the use of IGRA test.
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