MMWR Launches New Web Trends, Report Metrics, Opioid Page, Free CME, Social Media, & More
CDC’s MMWR announces its newly launched, redesigned website featuring easy access to multiple public health resources.
- Opioid Reports is a 17-year online compilation of MMWR reports that provides information on a variety of opioid-related topics, such as trends, prevalence, incidence, and prescribing practices.
- FREE continuing education activities from MMWR and Medscape, updated monthly with new activities, focus on timely topics for health care providers.
- Find out what’s trending with MMWR. Must-read MMWR reports, based on metrics tracked since 2016, including those most cited, most viewed, and with the most attention received in social media, blogs, and other sources reflected by Altmetric scores.
- Current episodes from MMWR’s popular podcast series “Defining Moments in MMWR History,” “A Minute of Health,” and “A Cup of Health,” feature conversations between public health experts on timely topics.
- Follow and share the latest CDC MMWR social media postings, which provide insight into trending topics in public health.
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