Defining Moments in MMWR History: CDC’s Response to Intentional Release of Anthrax -- 2001
On October 4, 2001, shortly after the September 11 attacks, the Palm Beach County Health Department, the Florida State Department of Health, and CDC reported a case of anthrax in a 63-year-old man from Florida. This case was first reported in MMWR and marked the beginning of a series of anthrax cases that resulted from intentional delivery of Bacillus anthracis spores sent through the mail.
MMWR is pleased to present the latest in its “Defining Moments in MMWR History” podcast series. In this new podcast, Dr. Sonja Rasmussen, Editor-in-Chief of MMWR, interviews Dr. Sherif Zaki, a pathologist who assisted with CDC’s 2001 investigation and currently serves as Chief of CDC’s Infectious Disease Pathology Branch. Dr. Zaki shares his first-hand account of CDC’s investigation and initial response to the anthrax attacks.
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New Defining Moments in @CDCMMWR History #podcast: Dr. Sonja Rasmussen revisits the 2001 #anthrax attacks. #PHNerd |