Hot topics and Features from CDC this week.
CDC In Review
Hot Topics from CDC this week:
World Rabies Day
September 28 is World Rabies Day. Established in 2007, it aims to raise awareness about rabies and help the world come together to fight this dreadful but neglected disease. Each year on this day, we are reminded that the fight is not yet over.
Flu Season is Coming
With fall approaching, it is a sure bet that cold and flu season will soon follow bringing the risk of flu illness. Some people will only be mildly sick or miserable for a few days, but for some, flu can be very serious and may even result in hospitalization or death.
The Burden of Rabies
Learn how to help prevent rabies, a deadly virus that threatens the health of people and animals.
Playgrounds and Obesity
If You Build It, Will They Come? The University of Illinois Prevention Research Center examines reducing childhood obesity through community involvement and playground renovations.
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