MMWR Surveillance Summaries Vol. 66, No. SS-15 September 08, 2017
In this report
BRCA Genetic Testing and Receipt of Preventive Interventions Among Women Aged 18–64 Years with Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance in Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Areas — United States, 2009–2014 Katherine Kolor, PhD; Zhuo Chen, PhD; Scott D. Grosse, PhD; et al.
Genetic testing for breast cancer 1 (BRCA1) and breast cancer 2 (BRCA2) gene mutations can identify women at increased risk for breast and ovarian cancer, and the results can be used to select preventive interventions and guide treatment. Medical claims data were used to estimate rates of BRCA testing and receipt of preventive interventions after BRCA testing among women aged 18–64 years with employer-sponsored health insurance in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas of the United States, nationally and regionally.
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