Know a clinician, clinic, practice, group, or health system with a high HPV vaccination rate? It's not to late to nominate them for the HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention Champion Award. Submissions are due September 15th!
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
the Association of American Cancer Institutes (AACI),
and the American Cancer Society (ACS) are partnering
to recognize immunization providers who are successfully preventing HPV
cancers, through timely vaccination of their young adolescent patient
population. By recognizing clinicians with high HPV vaccination
rates, we hope the program also serves to reinforce for parents that HPV
vaccination is an important part of cancer prevention and a normal part of
adolescent health care.
Clinicians, clinics, practices, groups, and/or health systems
can be nominated for the HPV Vaccine Is Cancer Prevention Champion Award if
they are effectively working to protect their adolescent patients against HPV
cancers by achieving high HPV vaccination completion rates. Each year, the
award program will honor up to one Champion from each of the 10 U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services (HHS) regions.
Champions will be selected based on the following criteria
and considerations:
Nominee must be a clinician, clinic, practice, group,
or health system
Nominee must reach target series completion rate of 70%
for the patient population aged 13–15 years. The rate must account for
both female and male patients. Vaccination under the two-dose schedule
(two doses given at least five months apart in children ages 9–14 years)
satisfies series completion, as does the original three-dose schedule.
Patient population size will be considered. Patient
population is defined as patients who have had a clinical encounter with
the nominee in the previous 24 months.
Data provided via AFIX (Assessment, Feedback,
Incentives, and eXchange) can be used for nomination. Other data sources
can include immunization information systems, electronic health record
platforms, quality improvement initiatives, or performance measure
systems, but that data must be validated by the state or local
- Submissions must be received by
September 15, 2017.
Champions will be featured on CDC’s website and in the
#PreteenVaxNews e-newsletter, will receive an HPV Vaccine Is Cancer Prevention
Champion plaque, and may be recognized at local or national events led by
cancer prevention or pediatric health organizations.