What are the nation’s experts saying to their
patients about HPV vaccination? Three providers—a pediatrician, an
OB-GYN, and a head and neck surgeon—outline the importance of vaccinating 11-
and 12-year-olds against HPV cancers in a newly released e-learning module.
“Increasing Adolescent Immunization
Coverage” is a 40-minute e-learning module for pediatric and primary care
provider teams, created by members of the National HPV Vaccination Roundtable.
This module provides information, guidance, and
tools for quality improvement efforts to increase HPV vaccination by improving
providers’ ability to:
- Describe the importance of the HPV vaccine
Implement the “same way, same day” approach to HPV vaccination for
11- and 12-year-olds
- Answer parents’ questions accurately and succinctly
Introduce new practice tools to support HPV vaccination in the pediatric
health care setting
RNs/NPs, physicians, physician’s assistants,
and pharmacists can earn a free hour/credit by viewing the CME module here.
Non-credit seeking audiences can view the video here. You can also access the Partner Promotion
Package which includes social media messages, a flyer, a powerpoint slide,
and an infocard at: http://bit.ly/HPV_CMEPromoPack. Thanks for helping disseminate this broadly within your