MMWR Early Release Vol. 66, Early Release June 08, 2017
In this report
Pregnancy Outcomes After Maternal Zika Virus Infection During Pregnancy — U.S. Territories, January 1, 2016–April 25, 2017 Carrie K. Shapiro-Mendoza, PhD; Marion E. Rice, MPH; Romeo R. Galang, MD; et al.Carrie K. Shapiro-Mendoza, PhD; Marion E. Rice, MPH; Romeo R. Galang, MD; et al.
During January 1, 2016–April 25, 2017, about one in 20 fetuses or infants had a possible Zika-associated birth defect among completed pregnancies with laboratory evidence of recent possible maternal Zika virus infection in U.S. territories.
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