MMWR Surveillance Summaries Vol. 66, No. SS-10 April 28, 2017
In this report
Diabetes Self-Management Education Programs in Nonmetropolitan Counties — United States, 2016 Stephanie A. Rutledge, PhD; Svetlana Masalovich, MS; Rachel J. Blacher, MPH; et al.
Diabetes self-management education (DSME) is a clinical practice intended to improve preventive practices and behaviors with a focus on decision-making, problem-solving, and self-care. The distribution and correlates of established DSME programs in nonmetropolitan counties across the United States have not been previously described, nor have the characteristics of the nonmetropolitan counties with DSME programs. This report describes the distribution of established DSME programs in rural counties in the United States and differences in county-level characteristics of those counties with and without a DSME program.
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