Visit CDC’s web site to find tools & materials to help your organization promote vaccination during NIVW.
Influenza (Flu)

Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report
The CDC Influenza Division collects, compiles, and analyzes information on Influenza activity year-round in the US and produces FluView, a weekly influenza surveillance report. During week 47, ending November 26, New York and 48 states experienced minimal activity. Georgia and Oklahoma experienced low activity; Puerto Rico experienced high activity.

NIVW is Here!
Next week is National Influenza Vaccination Week. Join CDC's efforts to #FightFlu and encourage flu vaccination by participating in @CDCFlu's movie Twitter Hashtag Challenge, asking a question during CDC's Reddit Science AMA, participating in the CDC flu Blog-A-Thon, and sharing #FightFlu messages on various channels. Learn more about CDC NIVW activities and in see the 2016 NIVW Digital Media Toolkit.

Help Promote NIVW with these Free Resources
You can help promote CDC's National Vaccination Week (NIVW) by using CDC's free NIVW resources, including posters, web badges, a matte article, and social media messages and graphics. We hope to see these graphics on as many of our partner sites as possible before, during, and after NIVW.
Follow us on Twitter
Mark your calendars! National Influenza Vaccination Week is Dec 4-10. Help CDC #FightFlu & get a #fluvax.; #NIVW
Content source: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
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