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October 24, 2016

In 2015, more cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis combined were reported than ever before, according to the annual Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance Report, 2015 , released October 19 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The 2015 STD Surveillance Report points out that:
- Young people aged 15 to 24 accounted for nearly two-thirds of chlamydia diagnoses and half of gonorrhea diagnoses in 2015.
- Ninety percent of reported syphilis cases were in men; and gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for a majority of these cases.
- There was an increase in congenital syphilis with a total of 487 cases in 2015. These increases parallel the increases in primary and secondary syphilis that were seen among women during 2014-2015.
The public health threat posed by STDs is serious—the numbers in this report represent real people, real irreversible health problems, and a real price tag. Preventing STDs could mean healthier people and billions of dollars saved for the U.S. healthcare system, but in recent years more than half of state and local STD programs experienced budget cuts.
A strengthened public health commitment is essential to ensure the ongoing sustainability of our nation’s STD prevention programs and to respond to continued increases in disease. An effective national response to the current STD epidemic will require engagement from many.
- Providers should make STD screening a standard part of medical care, especially in pregnant women. With insurance coverage at an all-time high, there are also more opportunities to integrate STD prevention and treatment into prenatal care and other routine visits.
- Individuals can talk openly about STDs, get tested regularly, and reduce their risk by using condoms or practicing mutual monogamy if they are sexually active.
- Parents and providers can have honest conversations with young people about STD prevention.
- State and local health departments should continue to direct resources to those hardest hit by the STD epidemic and work with community partners to maximize their impact.
As partners in this effort, CDC has developed several resources to help you better understand the issues and share prevention messages in your community.
CDC’s 2015 STD Surveillance Report 2015 STD Surveillance Report Media Materials and Fact Sheet Fact Sheets about STDs Posters, stickers, and other free STD prevention campaign materials CDC’s STD website
Join the online conversation using, #STDReport and spread the word by retweeting @CDCSTD and sharing posts from the CDC STD Facebook page!
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