Breast Cancer Awareness
Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women. Getting mammograms regularly can lower the risk of dying from breast cancer.
Be Ready: Make a Kit
Making a preparedness kit is one important way you can protect yourself and those around you. Remember that there are many types of emergencies – from those caused by illness to natural disasters – and you need different types of kits for a variety of situations.
Emergency Preparedness Is Not “One Size Fits All
For the millions of Americans living with disabilities, an emergency can present a unique set of challenges and concerns. It's important to make sure everyone's needs are taken care of when the unexpected happens – especially if you or someone you know has a disability.
The Burden of Rabies
Rabies is a dangerous virus that is spread through the saliva of animals sick with rabies. Anyone can get it if they handle or get bitten by an animal that has the disease.
Take a Bite Out of Rabies!
September 28 is World Rabies Day. Established in 2007, it aims to raise awareness about rabies and help the world come together to fight this dreadful but neglected disease. This year on the 10th anniversary of the effort, we are reminded that the fight is not yet over.