Zika Virus Disease
Cases — 50 States and the District of Columbia, January 1–July 31, 2016
publication reports on Zika Virus cases. As of September 3, 2016, a total of
2,382 confirmed or probable cases of Zika virus disease with symptom onset
during January 1–July 31, 2016 were reported from 48 of 50 states and the
District of Columbia to ArboNET, the national arboviral surveillance system
managed by CDC and state health departments.
CDC and the Instituto
Nacional de Salud of Colombia Collaborate to Understand Long-term Effects of
Zika Virus Infection during Pregnancy CDC Director Tom Frieden, MD, MPH, and Martha Lucía Ospina
Martínez, MD, MPH, MBA, Director General of Colombia’s Instituto Nacional de
Salud, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate on
Zika virus response activities in Colombia, particularly the effect of Zika
virus during pregnancy.
CDC Launches New Online
Course for Federal, State, and Local Public Health and Other Health
Professionals CDC’s Division of Reproductive Health has
a new online course
for federal, state, and local public health and other health professionals. The
course highlights preparedness and response resources and tools specific to the
field of reproductive health in emergencies.
Physical Inactivity
Among Adults Aged 50 Years and Older — United States, 2014 This report examines the prevalence of inactivity by selected
demographic characteristics and chronic disease status in mid-life and older
adults. CDC analyzed data on adults aged ≥50 years from the 2014 Behavioral
Risk Factor Surveillance System. Overall, 27.5% of adults aged ≥50
years reported no physical activity outside of work during the past month.
Falls and Fall Injuries
Among Adults Aged ≥65 Years — United States, 2014 This study estimates the numbers,
percentages, and rates of falls and fall injuries among older adults by
selected characteristics and state. In 2014, 28.7% of older adults
reported falling; the estimated 29.0 million falls resulted in 7.0 million
Vital Signs:
Disparities in Antihypertensive Medication Nonadherence Among Medicare Part D
Beneficiaries — United States, 2014
In this
report, CDC and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services analyzed
geographic, racial-ethnic, and other disparities in nonadherence to
antihypertensives among Medicare Part D beneficiaries in 2014.
New CDC App for iOS and Android Devices: Family Planning
Guidance for Healthcare Providers In July 2016, CDC released updated contraceptive guidance -- U.S. Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use, 2016 and U.S. Selected Practice Recommendations for Contraceptive Use, 2016. These recommendations are intended to assist health care providers when they counsel women, men, and couples about contraceptive method choice and provide evidence-based guidance to reduce medical barriers to contraception access and use.
CDC's Inside Knowledge Campaign Updates Tools for Women
For September,
National Gynecologic and Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, CDC's Inside Knowledge: Get the Facts About Gynecologic
Cancer campaign
has updated and re-designed symptoms information presented in two important
tools for women: the Gynecologic Cancer Symptoms Diary
and Symptoms Diary Wallet Card. These tools include a symptoms chart for the five main gynecologic
cancers, and allow women to track whatever symptoms they notice over a two-week
Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month!
Hispanics or Latinos are the largest racial/ethnic minority population in the
U.S. About 1 in 6 people living in the U.S. are Hispanic (almost 57 million). Learn
about health initiatives and campaigns important for Hispanic health.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder Awareness September is Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorder Awareness Month. Alcohol use during pregnancy can cause fetal
alcohol spectrum disorders, which are physical, behavioral, and intellectual
disabilities that last a lifetime.
Surveillance of Birth Defects and Data Utilization for Public Health Action Department of Health and Human Services [CDC-RFA-DD16-160102CONT17]
Prevention and Education [CDC-RFA-CE14-140104CONT17]