MMWR Early Release Early Release September 9, 2016
In this report |
Investigation of First Identified mcr-1 Gene in an Isolate from a U.S. Patient — Pennsylvania, 2016 Kelly E. Kline, MPH; Jordan Shover; Alexander J. Kallen, MD; et al. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016;65(Early Release)
In May 2016, mcr-1-positive Escherichia coli was first isolated from a specimen from a U.S. patient when a Pennsylvania woman was evaluated for a urinary tract infection. Although it is not known how the patient became colonized, as more surveillance systems with broader testing are established, it is anticipated that mcr-1 will be identified with increasing frequency.
Investigation of Escherichia coli Harboring the mcr-1 Resistance Gene — Connecticut, 2016 Amber M. Vasquez, MD; Noelisa Montero, MPH; Mark Laughlin, DVM; et al. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016;65(Early Release)
In July 2016, the Pathogen Detection System at the National Center for Biotechnology Information identified mcr-1 in the whole genome sequence of an E. coli isolate from a Connecticut patient; this is the fourth isolate from a U.S. patient to contain the mcr-1 gene. No transmission beyond the index patient or persistent environmental contamination were identified, and the patient was transiently colonized.
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