Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) is around the corner, and we’re looking
forward to closing out the month by highlighting the importance of vaccination
for preteens and teens. The theme for the last week of NIAM is “Ensure a
healthy future with vaccines,” and we need your help to spread the word about
vaccines for preteens and teens. NIAM coincides with the time of the year that
many parents are getting the vaccines recommended for their children before
they go back to school. To assist you with effectively targeting your messages
to parents, CDC and the National Public Health Information Coalition have
collaborated on communication toolkits for parents of preteens and teens,
which include sample key messages, ready-to-publish articles and news releases,
social media, messages and FAQs. There is also an abbreviated toolkit for school-age children to help you
get a jumpstart on back-to-school messaging and activities. In addition to the
resources provided on NPHIC’s website, CDC also has a number of materials that you
can use to raise awareness among and educate parents of adolescents about the
importance of vaccines for their children.
requiring more than one dose to complete the series are far below desired
coverage levels for adolescents. Join Dr. William Atkinson, IAC's associate
director for immunization education, for a one-hour webinar addressing this
issue on July 28 at 12:00 p.m. (ET).
Atkinson will discuss recommendations for each adolescent vaccine, provide
strategies to improve coverage rates in this population, and list available
resources to assist immunization providers in their efforts to improve coverage
Register for the webinar here.
The May 19th #PreteenVaxScene webinar recording is
now available online! The “Research Project Update: AFIX Program Strategies for
Improving HPV Vaccination Rates in the Field” webinar can be found here. This webinar
features Dr. Melissa Gilkey of Harvard Medical School and Chrystal Averette of
the Washington Department of Health. Dr. Gilkey discusses the tools and
strategies that were used by the participating AFIX programs for improving HPV
vaccination rates in the field. And Chrystal shares how, as part of this
project, the DOH is implementing specific AFIX strategies in order to increase
HPV vaccination rates.

The Morbidity and Mortality
Weekly Report (MMWR ) released on July 8th included a
study that examined HPV-associated cancer statistics from 2008 to 2012. The
study found that an average of 38,793 HPV-associated cancers were diagnosed
annually in the United States during 2008–2012. Among these cancers, CDC
estimates that 30,700 (79%) can be attributed to HPV, and 28,500 of these are
attributable to HPV types that are preventable with the 9-valent HPV. This
report underscores the impact HPV vaccination can make on HPV cancers as well
as the need for improved HPV vaccination coverage.
Link to cite: Viens LJ, Henley SJ, Watson M, et al. Human
Papillomavirus–Associated Cancers — United States, 2008–2012. MMWR Morb Mortal
Wkly Rep 2016;65:661–666. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6526a1.

a medical resident, Basel Khatib, MD was strongly influenced by the vital role
vaccines play in protecting the public’s health. During his 21 year career as a
practicing pediatrician in Dearborn, MI, Dr. Khatib has attained and maintained
high childhood, pre-teen, and teen immunization rates. Dr. Khatib has been a
champion for HPV vaccination both in his words and in his actions as his
practice has achieved an HPV vaccine series completion rate of 99 percent.
of the key factors Dr. Khatib credits for creating a vaccine-centered medical
practice include: educating staff and fostering an office environment that is passionate
about vaccines, reviewing immunization status at all sick, well, and walk-in
visits, and personally following up with parents who delay or decline certain
vaccines. Additionally, Dr. Khatib explains that administering patients’ shots
himself often helps “persuade parents to change their minds.” He finds it very
rewarding when parents accept his vaccine recommendation, “just because they
trust [him]!” Learn more about Dr. Khatib’s 10 Immunization Success
and how they can help boost your immunization rates.
you have any questions, please feel free to email us at preteenvaccines@xxxxxxx. We are always happy
to help.