CO Poisoning Prevention
When power outages occur after severe weather (such as winter storms, hurricanes or tornadoes), using alternative sources of power can cause carbon monoxide (CO) to build up in a home and poison the people and animals inside.
Harmful Algal Blooms
Harmful algal blooms can produce toxins that are dangerous to people, animals, and the environment. Learn what harmful algal blooms are, how you and your pets can avoid them, and what CDC is doing to protect the public's health.
Last-Minute Travel
CDC recommends seeing a doctor at least 4-6 weeks before international travel, but a visit to a travel medicine specialist is valuable even if you have less time.
Prevent GBS in Babies
All pregnant women should get a group B strep test when they are 35-37 weeks pregnant. Babies can get very sick and even die if their mothers pass group B strep bacteria to them during childbirth.
Cancer and Children
You can reduce your children's risk of getting cancer later in life. Start by helping them adopt a healthy lifestyle with good eating habits and plenty of exercise to keep a healthy weight. Then follow the tips below to help prevent specific kinds of cancer.
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