Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page. CDC’s Division of STD Prevention would like to share with you several new and updated resources and DSTDP-authored publications. Introducing Technology into Partner Services: A Toolkit for Programs – This updated toolkit serves as a general resource for using the Internet and other digital technologies, such as mobile phones and social networking sites, to trace and contact persons potentially exposed to STDs and HIV. It is especially useful for health departments, community-based organizations and others who provide HIV/STD partner services. 2014 STD Surveillance Report Slides – Series of PowerPoint slides includes graphs and maps from the 2014 STD Surveillance Report. These presentation-ready slides include data about chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and other STDs, as well as information about STDs in women and infants, adolescents and young adults, ethnic minorities, and men who have sex with men. The Lowdown on How to Prevent STDs – This web-based infographic provides readers with basic information about STD prevention in an easy-to-read format. It can be added to your website, or used in your social media outreach efforts. STDs During Pregnancy – The updated, detailed fact sheet provides physicians with specific STD testing and treatment recommendations for their patients. Questions & Answers: 2015 STD Treatment Guidelines – STD clinical experts in the National Network of STD Clinical Prevention Training Centers (NNPTC) and CDC subject matter experts respond to frequently asked questions about The 2015 STD Treatment Guidelines on this website. CDC Expert Commentary: Keep an Eye Out For Ocular Syphilis – Subject matter experts Dr. Thomas Peterman and Dr. Kimberly Workowski discuss the recent increase in ocular syphilis cases and provide physicians with information on diagnosis and treatment in a commentary published by Medscape. [Note: Medscape membership is required to see this article; however, you can sign-up for a free account.] Effective Interventions to Reduce Sexually Transmitted Disease - The journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases recently published a special supplement that summarizes published evidence for the effectiveness of various STD control interventions. In a time with fewer resources and more prevention options than ever, this information offers a menu of options to help programs identify which interventions best meet their needs. CDC Email Updates – You can now signup for updates on STD Program Information. I hope you find these resources useful. I’d also like to take this time to remind you that STD Awareness Month is right around the corner. This is our time to bring a renewed sense of enthusiasm and focus to our collective STD awareness and prevention efforts. CDC will promote a theme of “Talk. Test. Treat.” to encourage both individuals and providers to follow these three steps to reduce and prevent STDs. We will send more information about the theme and resources for you to use in the coming weeks, but you can get a jump start by visiting CDC-INFO on Demand to order free posters, stickers, and postcards that can be displayed in your schools, clinics, community organizations, and health departments to promote STD Awareness Month.