Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Health Matters for Women[TM] E-Newsletter Update

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Title: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Health Matters for Women[TM] E-Newsletter Update

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Health Matters for Women newsletter from the CDC - US Department of Health and Human Services - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Health Matters for Women

May 2015

New from CDC

Serious Psychological Distress Among Adults: United States, 2009–2013
In every age group, women were more likely to have serious psychological distress than men. Among adults aged 18 and over, 3.4% had serious psychological distress, including 3.9% of women and 2.8% of men.

Maternal Morbidity for Vaginal and Cesarean Deliveries, According to Previous Cesarean History: New Data From the Birth Certificate, 2013
Rates of maternal morbidity were higher for cesarean than vaginal deliveries—rates of transfusion (525.1 per 100,000) and ICU admission (383.1) were highest for primary cesarean deliveries, while rates of ruptured uterus (88.9) and unplanned hysterectomy (143.1) were highest for repeat cesarean deliveries.

Key Findings: Factors Associated with Dandy-Walker Malformation (DWM), A Rare Birth Defect of the Brain
Researchers identified a few factors that were more common among babies with DWM than among babies without DWM, including black race mothers, twinning, or a history of infertility treatment. The lack of environmental factors suggests that genetic factors might play an important role in DWM.

Cancer Screening Test Use — United States, 2013
The most recent data on screening use (from 2013) show no progress toward meeting Healthy People 2020 targets for cancer screening. Mammography use in women aged 50–74 years was 72.6% (target 81.1%), Pap test use in women aged 21–65 years was 80.7% (target 93.0%), and CRC screening in persons aged 50–75 years was 58.2% (target 70.5%).

Cost-effectiveness of Chlamydia Vaccination Programs for Young Women
The researchers used a deterministic heterosexual transmission model to explore the potential health and economic outcomes of a hypothetical chlamydia vaccine focusing on vaccination programs for 14-year-old girls and 15–24-year-old women in the United States.

Giardiasis Surveillance — United States, 2011–2012
Analysis of rates by age and sex showed that giardiasis rates were higher among males in almost every age group, however, in persons aged 65–69 years, rates were slightly higher among females than males. During 2011–2012, a total of 18,437 (57.7%) patients were male and 13,354 (41.8%) were female.

Cryptosporidiosis Surveillance — United States, 2011–2012
Overall, cryptosporidiosis rates were higher among females than males during both years. For specific age groups, rates were higher among males than females aged <15 years and higher among females than males aged ≥15 years. Cryptosporidiosis symptom onset increased 4.4 fold during late summer.

HPV in Communities of Color and How It Affects Women of Color
Every year, HPV cancers affect around 17,600 women. About 4,000 women annually die from cervical cancer, with three times more Black women dying than White women in the same age group. This disease is preventable, so no women should die of cervical cancer.

Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis Vaccination Coverage Before, During, and After Pregnancy — 16 States and New York City, 2011
The PRAMS data indicate a wide variation in Tdap vaccination coverage among demographic groups, with generally higher postpartum coverage for non-Hispanic white women, those who started prenatal care in the first trimester, and those who had private health insurance coverage.

Mall Walking: A Program Resource Guide
The guide provides information about the health benefits of walking, explaining why mall walking programs can help people walk more, and providing practical strategies for starting and maintaining walking programs in malls or other venues in areas where a mall is not available.

Vital Signs: Leading Causes of Death, Prevalence of Diseases and Risk Factors, and Use of Health Services Among Hispanics in the United States — 2009–2013
Four national data sets were analyzed to compare Hispanics overall, non-Hispanic whites, and Hispanic country/region of origin subgroups for leading causes of death, prevalence of diseases and associated risk factors, and use of health services.

NIOSH Training Program for Nurses on Shift Work and Long Work Hours
The purpose of this online training program is to educate nurses and their managers about the health and safety risks associated with shift work, long work hours, and related workplace fatigue issues and relay strategies in the workplace and in the nurse’s personal life to reduce these risks.

Osteoporosis Awareness
As many as 1 in 2 women and 1 in 5 men are at risk for an osteoporosis-related fracture during their lifetime. The chance of having osteoporosis increases as you get older. Smoking, daily alcohol use, and lower body mass index are some of the known risk factors for osteoporosis.

Health, United States, 2014
Health, United States is an annual report on trends in health statistics, and includes women’s health data.

When Are Babies Born: Morning, Noon, or Night? Birth Certificate Data for 2013
The highest percentages of births occurred during the morning and midday hours. Three distinct patterns in time of birth are evident for cesarean delivery, induced vaginal deliveries, and non-induced vaginal deliveries.

A Practitioner's Guide for Advancing Health Equity: Community Strategies for Preventing Chronic Disease
This site provides lessons learned and innovative ideas on how to maximize the effects of policy, systems and environmental improvement strategies—all with the goal of reducing health disparities and advancing health equity.

Dental Caries and Tooth Loss in Adults in the United States, 2011–2012
No difference was noted between men and women in the percentage of adults experiencing no tooth loss due to dental disease. Although little difference was seen in the prevalence of edentulism between men and women, differences by race and Hispanic origin for complete tooth loss did exist in 2011–2012.

NIOSH Study Evaluates Risks for Pregnant Flight Attendants
This study looked at individual flight segments for each flight attendant in the study. Company records of over 2 million flights flown by the flight attendants were reviewed. Other exposures were also assessed, including physical job stressors by questionnaire.

Protecting Nail Salon Workers
Recognizing and controlling occupational hazards are important steps to protect this vulnerable working population.

Cancer and Women
Every year, cancer claims the lives of more than a quarter of a million women in America. Learn how you can lower your cancer risk.

CDC Community Health Improvement Navigator
The CDC Community Health Improvement Navigator is a website for people who lead or participate in CHI work within hospitals and health systems, public health agencies, and other community organizations. It is a one-stop-shop that offers community stakeholders expert-vetted tools and resources.

Possible Sexual Transmission of Ebola Virus — Liberia, 2015
Based on information gathered in this investigation, CDC now recommends that contact with semen from male Ebola survivors be avoided until more information regarding the duration and infectiousness of viral shedding in body fluids is known. If male survivors have sex, a condom should be used correctly and consistently every time.

Ebola Survivors: Read This Before You Have Sex
Ebola has been found in semen of some men who have recovered from Ebola. Ebola might be transmitted through sex. If you are a male Ebola survivor, protect your partner by using a condom the right way every time you have sex.


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Figure 2. Percent Distribution of Births, by Hour and Method of Delivery and Induction Status: 41 States and the District of Columbia, 2013

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Figure 1. Age-Adjusted and Age-Specific Percentages of Adults Aged 20 and Over with Elevated Triglyceride, by Sex and Age: United States, 2009–2012

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Figure 4. Prevalence of Complete Tooth Loss (Edentulism) among Adults Aged 65 and Over, by Age, Sex, and Race and Hispanic Origin: United States, 2011–2012

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QuickStats: Death Rates* from Dementia† Among Persons Aged ≥75 Years, by Sex and Age Group — United States, 2000–2013

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QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Who Did Not Take Medication as Prescribed to Save Money, Among Those Prescribed Medication During the Preceding 12 Months, by Sex and Age Group — National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2013

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Figure 1. Percentage of adults aged 18 and over at interview with serious psychological distress, by sex and age: United States, 2009–2013

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Figure 1. Maternal morbidity, by method of delivery and previous cesarean history: 41-state and District of Columbia reporting area, 2013

Federal Agency News

Unintentional Injection of Soft Tissue Filler into Blood Vessels in the Face: FDA Safety Communication (FDA)

FDA Approves Rapamune to Treat LAM, a Very Rare Lung Disease

The Affordable Care Act is Improving Access to Preventive Services for Millions of Americans (HHS)

HHS Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence Review: Research Briefs

FAQs about Affordable Care Act Implementation (Part XXVI) – Preventive Services (Dept. of Labor)

Dr. Lisa Halvorson: New NIH Branch Works to Improve Gynecologic Health from Adolescence to Menopause

Pelvic Floor Disorders: A Q&A with Dr. Susan Meikle (NIH)

It’s Never Too Early to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes (HHS)

NIH Study Solves Ovarian Cell Mystery, Shedding New Light on Reproductive Disorders

National, State and Local News

The Status of Women in the States: 2015 (Institute for Women’s Policy Research)

The Society for Women’s Health Research Announces “Beyond The Bruises” Campaign Highlighting The Effects Of Domestic Violence On Chronic Disease

Burlington Stores Donate $1.16 Million to WomenHeart Resulting from Burlington’s 4th Annual Red Dress Event

CDC Podcasts 
Listen to the latest podcasts on women’s health.

CDC E-Cards 
Send women’s health e-cards.

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