July 14, 2014
Help Women Quit Tobacco with CDC’s Tips From Former Smokers Campaign!
For the first time, women that are current smokers are as likely as men to die from the many diseases caused by smoking. The risk for women of developing lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cardiovascular disease has risen sharply over the past 50 years.
Last week, CDC launched its 2014 Tips From Former Smokers campaign. Here is information you can use and share about the nine week campaign and the July 16 Twitter chat on reproductive health and smoking.
- The ads will run for nine weeks on various media outlets including English and Spanish television.
- The ads highlight various illnesses and struggles associated with smoking, some that aren’t as commonly known.
- Four ads feature women and include the topics of gum disease, preterm delivery, and lung cancer.
- The ads encourage smokers to call 1-800-QUITNOW for free help or to visit the Tips website.
- The new campaign expands on partnership efforts with faith based organizations and provides additional materials for health care providers.
- As a result of the 2012 Tips campaign, an estimated 1.6 million people made an attempt to quit and 6 million nonsmokers talked with friends and family about the dangers of smoking.
- The campaign coincides with CDC’s release on new data on U.S. adults and tobacco use.
Ways You Can Be Involved in Promoting the Tips Campaign:
- “Like” us on Facebook (@CDCTobaccoFree) and repost or share our messages.
- Follow us on Twitter and retweet our messages (#CDCTips).
- Syndicate content in English or Spanish from CDC.gov/Tips and/or CDC.gov/consejos on your organization’s Web site.
- Access and share our video content on YouTube.
- Use our new tailored information and resources specifically for health care providers and faith-based organizations.
- Use the new Tips campaign PowerPoint slides in your presentations (with talking points included) to provide a campaign overview and resources for your audiences.
**Join our Twitter Chat on Wednesday, July 16th from 2-3 pm EST as we discuss reproductive health as it relates to smoking and the 50th anniversary of the Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking. Hashtag #SGR50Chat
Hosts: @CDCTobaccoFree & @Surgeon_General
Sample Promotional Content for Twitter Chat
FB: Interested in learning more about smoking & women’s reproductive health? 7/16 at 2pm EST we’re joining CDC Tobacco Free for a Twitter chat to discuss how women can protect themselves & their babies from the harmful effects of smoking. Follow along and join the conversation using #SGR50chat. (share graphic)
Tweet: Interested in smoking & women’s health? We’re joining @CDCTobaccoFree & @SurgeonGeneral for a Twitter chat on 7/16. #SGR50chat
Tweet: Save the date! 7/16 at 2pm join #SGR50chat discussion on smoking & women’s reproductive health. (share graphic)
Please visit http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips/ for more information.