Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Health Matters for Women[TM] E-Newsletter Update

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Title: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Health Matters for Women[TM] E-Newsletter Update

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December 2013

Health Matters for Women

New from CDC

Summary Health Statistics for the U.S. Population: National Health Interview Survey, 2012
Two of the findings from this report: the rate of medically consulted injury and poisoning episodes occurring inside the home was higher for females than for males. Uninsured females were more than twice as likely as uninsured males to not have coverage due to a change in marital status or the death of a parent.

Deaths: Leading Causes for 2010
In 2010, the 10 leading causes of death accounted for 75% of all deaths occurring in the United States. Also see Leading Causes of Death, Females, 2010 Tables for one page tables.

New Blog, The Topic Is Cancer 
CDC's Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC) has launched a new blog titled The Topic Is Cancer to provide personal perspectives on cancer-related topics.

Births: Final Data for 2012
3,952,841 births were registered in the U.S. in 2012. The general fertility rate declined to 63.0 per 1,000 women aged 15–44. The teen birth rate fell 6%, to 29.4 per 1,000 women.

Food Safe and Pregnant: Tips for the Holidays and Beyond
It can be tough to figure out what’s safe for you to eat on a normal day. But, being pregnant during the holidays makes it even trickier. Learn food-safe tips for the holidays and beyond.

Key Findings: Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Defects
Researchers from CDC and the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (NBDPS) found that 15% of women reported that they first learned about their baby’s congenital heart defect (CHD) during pregnancy (called a prenatal diagnosis). Many times it is critical that a baby receives their CHD diagnosis during the mother’s pregnancy to reduce serious complications after the baby is born.

Your New Year Quit Smoking Plan
Many smokers use the New Year's holiday as motivation to quit. To reach these smokers and to support tobacco control programs, CDC has resources to help make this healthy New Year's resolution a reality.

Source of Payment for the Delivery: Births in a 33-state and District of Columbia Reporting Area, 2010
Private insurance was the most frequent payment source for deliveries in the birth certificate-revised reporting area in 2010 (45.8% of births), followed closely by Medicaid (44.9%), ‘‘other’’ payment sources (5.0%), and self-pay (4.4%).

Infant Mortality Statistics from the 2010 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set
The U.S. infant mortality rate was 6.14 infant deaths per 1,000 live births in 2010, 4 percent lower than the rate of 6.39 in 2009. The number of infant deaths was 24,572 in 2010, a decline of 1,836 infant deaths from 2009.

Updated Fact Sheet: Oral Sex and HIV Risk
Factors that may increase the risk of HIV transmission through oral sex are oral ulcers, bleeding gums, genital sores, and the presence of other sexually transmitted infections.

Assisted Reproductive Technology Surveillance - United States, 2010
In 2010, a total of 147,260 ART procedures performed in 443 U.S. fertility clinics were reported to CDC. These procedures resulted in 47,090 live-birth deliveries and 61,564 infants.

Voluntary Recall of One Lot of Gardasil HPV Vaccine
On December 16, 2013 CDC was informed by Merck that the company planned to implement a voluntary recall of one lot (lot J007354) of Gardasil® [Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent (types 6, 11, 16, and 18) Vaccine, Recombinant], due to the potential for a small number of vials to contain glass particles as a result of breakage during the manufacturing process.

Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Women Who Delivered a Live-Born Infant - 21 States and New York City, 2009-10 and 2010-11 Influenza Seasons
Results from this study indicate that historically high seasonal influenza vaccination coverage levels among pregnant women achieved during the 2009-10 season were either maintained or increased during the 2010-11 season by the 21 participating states and New York City.

Newly Released Data From the Revised U.S. Birth Certificate, 2011
This report is the first release of multistate data for selected items exclusive to the 2003 revision of the U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth. The 3,267,934 births to residents of the 36-state and D.C. reporting area represented 83% of all 2011 U.S. births.

Recent Trends in Births and Fertility Rates Through June 2013
The provisional count of births in the United States for the 12-month period ending June 2013 was 3,941,000, which was not significantly different from the 3,944,000 births (provisional count) for the 12-month period ending June 2012.

Bleeding Disorders in Women
Heavy blood flow during menstrual periods can be a sign of a bleeding disorder. Talk to your doctor.

Women and Bleeding Disorders: Living with von Willebrand Disease Video
Meet three women and hear about their experiences living with von Willebrand Disease (VWD). Learn about the signs and symptoms of VWD and why it’s important to seek help with any questions or concerns about abnormal bleeding.

CDC Guidance for Evaluating Health-Care Personnel for Hepatitis B Virus Protection and for Administering Postexposure Management
HepB vaccination is not contraindicated for pregnant or lactating women.

Leading Causes of Death, Females, 2010 Tables
Tables with leading causes of death for females, by race, and age groupings.

Pregnancy Rates for U.S. Women Continue to Drop
The data in this report provide a comprehensive picture of pregnancies and pregnancy outcomes. Data on pregnancy outcomes by age, race and Hispanic origin, and marital status are presented using data from the National Vital Statistics System, the Abortion Surveillance System and Guttmacher Institute, and the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG).

CDC Grants

Public Health Actions to Prevent and Control Diabetes, Tobacco Use, Heart Disease, and Associated Chronic Disease Risk Factors and improve maternal and child health support reproductive health in the US Affiliated Pacific Islands, Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico [CDC-RFA-DP14-1406]
The primary purpose of this funding is to support the implementation of cross-cutting, unified approaches to promote health, prevent and control tobacco use, diabetes, heart disease, promotion of health pregnancy and infancy through primary and secondary prevention of NCDs in the US Affiliated Pacific Islands, Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. This FOA attempts to coordinate activities that address common risk factors, as well as cross-cutting epidemiology and surveillance, environmental approaches, health systems changes and clinical-community linkages (e.g. surveillance, screening, evaluation, data systems) and reduces the administrative and reporting requirements. Closing Date: February 10, 2014.

Evaluating Promising Strategies to Build the Evidence Base for Sexual Violence Prevention [RFA-CE-14-005]
The purpose of this announcement is to support research to rigorously evaluate the effectiveness of primary prevention strategies for the perpetration of sexual violence. CDC’s research priorities for sexual violence prevention include evaluating the efficacy and effectiveness of programs, strategies, and policies across all levels of the social ecology to prevent and interrupt the development of sexual violence perpetration. Closing Date: March 19, 2014

Research Grants for Preventing Violence and Violence Related Injury [RFA-CE-14-006]
The purposes of the CDC extramural violence prevention research program are to: 1. Build the scientific base for the prevention of violence by helping to expand and advance our understanding of the primary prevention of interpersonal violence. 2. Encourage professionals from a wide spectrum of disciplines of epidemiology, behavioral and social sciences, medicine, biostatistics, public health, health economics, law, and criminal justice to perform research in order to prevent violence more effectively. 3. Encourage investigators to propose research that involves the development and testing of primary prevention strategies, programs and policies designed to prevent interpersonal violence and reduce violence-related outcomes as well as dissemination, implementation, and translation research to enhance the adoption and maintenance of effective strategies among individuals, organizations, or communities. Closing Date: March 19, 2014


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Figure 1. Pregnancy rates, by age: United States, 1990, 2000, and 2009

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Figure 4: Mother received WIC food during pregnancy, by reporting area: 36 states and the District of Columbia, 2011

Thumbnail image Figure 2: Prepregnancy obesity, by reporting area: 36 states and the District of Columbia, 2011

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