December 20, 2013
What's New
- FluView - Weekly Influenza Surveillance Report
12/20/2013 11:30 AM EST
- Update: Total doses of distributed flu vaccine
12/20/2013 10:30 AM EST
- Update: Influenza Activity — United States, September 29–December 7, 2013. MMWR 62(50);1032-1036
12/19/2013 01:39 PM EST
- El personal de cuidados de salud y la vacunación contra la influenza, encuesta de panel por Internet, Estados Unidos, noviembre de 2013
12/19/2013 08:44 AM EST
- Cobertura nacional de vacunación contra la influenza a principios de temporada, Estados Unidos, noviembre de 2013
12/19/2013 08:44 AM EST
- Las embarazadas y la vacunación contra la influenza, encuesta de panel por Internet, Estados Unidos, noviembre de 2013
12/19/2013 08:43 AM EST
- NEW: CDC Expert Commentaries on Medscape
12/18/2013 11:09 AM EST
- Situation Update: Summary of Weekly FluView
12/13/2013 04:15 PM EST
Weekly Influenza Surveillance
Flu activity is increasing nationally and is high in some states. Additional increases are expected in the coming weeks. If you have not gotten your flu vaccination yet this season, you should get one now. A flu vaccine is the first and best way to protect yourself and the people around you from influenza and its potentially serious complications.
What you need to know for the 2013-2014 Season
CDC Expert Commentaries on Medscape
Three New commentaries added!
Animated Images
View and Share these flu vaccination images on your website or social media profiles!
Pregnant Women | Heart Disease Flu-Related Hospitalizations | Take 3