October 2013
Health Matters for Women
New from CDC
Hypertension Among Adults in the United States: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2011-2012
Men (80.2%) and women (85.4%) were alike in their awareness of hypertension. More women (80.6%) than men (70.9%) reported taking antihypertensive medication. The percentage of controlled hypertension among adults was higher for women (55.2%) than for men (49.3%).
Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer
Having a family history of breast and ovarian cancer affects a woman's risk for developing these diseases. Learn about hereditary risk, and whether you might benefit from cancer genetic counseling and testing.
Total and High-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2011-2012
A higher percentage of women (14.4%) than men (11.1%) had high total cholesterol, and a higher percentage of women (71.8%) than men (66.9%) had been screened for cholesterol. However, a lower percentage of women (9.0%) than men (26.4%) had low HDL cholesterol.
Breast Cancer Awareness
The best way to find breast cancer early is with a mammogram. If you are a woman age 50 years or older, be sure to have a screening mammogram every two years.
Prevalence of Obesity Among Adults: United States, 2011-2012
Among women, the prevalence of obesity did not differ between those aged 40-59 and 60 and over (39.5% compared with 38.1%). The prevalence of obesity among younger women was lower than among either middle-aged or older women.
Close the Door to Cancer Video
This 30-second animated video about HPV-related cancers has a positive reminder that with vaccination you can close the door to HPV cancer.
Notes from the Field: Acute Hepatitis and Liver Failure Following the Use of a Dietary Supplement Intended for Weight Loss or Muscle Building -- May-October 2013
A number of previously healthy individuals developed acute hepatitis and sudden liver failure of unknown cause after using a dietary supplement for weight loss or muscle building. CDC recommends increased vigilance by public health agencies, emergency departments, and healthcare providers for patients who develop acute hepatitis or liver failure following use of a weight loss or muscle building nutritional supplement.
Preventing Falls Among Older Adults
We all want to protect our older family members and help them stay safe, secure, and independent. Knowing how to reduce the risk of falling, a leading cause of injury, is a step toward this goal.
Prescription Painkiller Overdose
About 18 women die every day of a prescription painkiller overdose in the US, more than 6,600 deaths in 2010. Prescription painkiller overdoses are an under-recognized and growing problem for women.
Investigating Suspected Cancer Clusters and Responding to Community Concerns: Guidelines from CDC and the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists
This report augments guidelines published in 1990 for investigating clusters of health events. The 1990 Guidelines considered any noninfectious disease cluster, injuries, birth defects, and previously unrecognized syndromes or illnesses. These new guidelines focus on cancer clusters.
Surveillance of Influenza Vaccination Coverage -- United States, 2007-08 through 2011-12 Influenza Seasons
During the 2011-12 season, influenza vaccination coverage varied by state, age group, and selected populations (e.g., HCP and pregnant women), with coverage estimates well below the Healthy People 2020 goal. Vaccination coverage among pregnant women was 47.0%, as measured by an Internet panel survey of women pregnant during the influenza season, and 43.0%, as measured by BRFSS during the 2011-12 influenza season. The article includes section on Influenza Vaccination Among Pregnant Women.
Infographic: Teens Visiting a Health Clinic: A Teen Friendly Reproductive Health Visit
Anita and Jason go to the teen clinic for services.
Elements of Youth-Friendly Contraceptive and Reproductive Health Services
Contraceptive and reproductive health services include family planning; contraception (methods to prevent pregnancy); prenatal, obstetric, and postnatal care; and prevention or treatment of reproductive tract infections, including sexually transmitted infections.
STD Prevention Conference Call for Abstracts
The Scientific Program Committee invites papers of high quality in the areas of STD prevention research, program and policy. Abstract submissions are peer-reviewed for scientific content, logical presentation, and current interest of the topic to the scientific community. Abstracts must be submitted electronically no later than Friday, November 15, 2013, 11:59pm, EST.
Emergency Department Visits by Persons Aged 65 and Over: United States, 2009-2010
In 2009-2010, a total of 19.6 million emergency department (ED) visits in the United States were made by persons aged 65 and over. The visit rate for this age group was 511 per 1,000 persons and increased with age.
Total and High-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2011-2012 Figure 4. Age-adjusted percentage of adults aged 20 and over with low HDL cholesterol, by sex and race and Hispanic origin: United States, 2011-2012 |
Prevalence of Obesity Among Adults: United States, 2011-2012 Figure 4. Age-adjusted prevalence of obesity, by sex, among adults aged 20 and over: United States, 2009-2010 and 2011-2012 |
QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged 18-24 Years Who Had Never Smoked Cigarettes,* by Sex -- National Health Interview Survey, United States, 1999-2001 Through 2011-2012 |