April 2013
Health Matters for Women
New from CDC
National Women’s Health Week 2013, May 12-18
National Women’s Health Week begins on Mother’s Day each year. Individuals, families, communities, and others work to help women learn how to achieve longer, healthier, and safer lives.
Immediate Postpartum Insertion of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception
Many repeat births could be prevented through postpartum use of long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) such as IUDs and implants. Counseling women during prenatal visits about postpartum contraception, and offering women LARC in the hospital after delivery makes it easier for women to avoid unintended pregnancy.
First Premarital Cohabitation in the United States: 2006-2010 National Survey of Family Growth
This report provides an updated description of trends and patterns in first premarital cohabitations among women aged 15-44 in the United States using the National Survey of Family Growth. Trends in pregnancies within first premarital cohabiting unions and differences by Hispanic origin and race, and education are also presented.
Updated HIV Surveillance in Women Slide Set (through 2011)
Eighteen slides in PowerPoint and PDF; includes diagnosis of HIV Infection among adult and adolescent females, rates of diagnosis, deaths, Stage 3 classifications, and more.
Vital Signs: Repeat Births Among Teens - United States, 2007-2010
Nearly 1 in 5 teen births is a repeat birth. Learn what you can do to help break the cycle of teen pregnancy. Disparities in repeat teen births exist by race/ethnicity, with the highest percentages found among American Indian/Alaska Natives (21.6%), Hispanics (20.9%), and non-Hispanic blacks (20.4%) and lowest among non-Hispanic whites (14.8%).
Vital Signs Issue: Preventing Repeat Teen Births
Although teen birth rates have been falling for the last two decades, more than 365,000 teens, ages 15-19, gave birth in 2010. Teen pregnancy and childbearing can carry high health, emotional, social, and financial costs for both teen mothers and their children.
Sexual Assault Awareness
Sexual violence is a very serious public health problem that affects millions of women and men. In the United States, 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men have been raped in their lifetime and nearly 1 in 2 women and 1 in 5 men have experienced other forms of sexual violence at some point in their lives.
STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries) Tool Kit for Health Care Providers
CDC’s Injury Center created the STEADI Tool Kit for health care providers who see older adults in their practice who are at risk of falling or who may have fallen in the past. The STEADI Tool Kit gives health care providers the information and tools they need to assess and address their older patients’ fall risk.
Action Plan for the National Initiative on Preconception Health and Health Care (PCHHC)
The Action Plan for the National Initiative on Preconception Health and Health Care (PCHHC) 2012-2014 outlines goals, objectives, strategies, and action steps that can: 1) move science into clinical practice; 2) market messages and images that will raise consumer awareness of preconception care; 3) inform policy development, implementation, and innovation; 4) guide public health and prevention programs in efforts to improve the health of women, infants, and families; and 5) monitor the processes and impact of preconception and interconception care at the local, state, tribal, territorial, and national levels.
Sexually Transmitted Infections among Young Americans Infographic
This infographic highlights the impact, causes, and consequences of STDs among young people - and what they can do to protect themselves.
Immunization and Pregnancy Vaccines Flyer
The flyer shows which vaccines you may need before, during, and after pregnancy.
Recent Declines in Infant Mortality in the United States, 2005-2011
Following a plateau from 2000 through 2005, the U.S. infant mortality rate declined 12% from 2005 through 2011. Declines for neonatal and postneonatal mortality were similar. From 2005 through 2011, infant mortality declined 16% for non-Hispanic black women and 12% for non-Hispanic white women.
Updated HPV Self-Study STD Modules for Clinicians
A web-based training course designed to guide clinicians in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Continuing education credits available.
Ready-To-Use STD Curriculum - Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Comprehensive curricular materials that can be downloaded by clinical educators for classroom use. Each module contains a slide presentation, an instructor's guide, a case study, and test questions.
10 Tips for a Healthy and Safe Prom
Follow these tips to make sure your prom is fun, safe, and healthy!
STD Awareness
Use CDC resources to help increase awareness about sexually transmitted diseases.
Social Determinants of Health among Adults with Diagnosed HIV Infection in 18 Areas, 2005-2009
The data presented in this HIV surveillance supplemental report are a snapshot of the environment in which people lived at the time of HIV diagnosis. This report presents data tables on diagnoses of HIV infection, organized into 3 main sections: by year of diagnosis and selected characteristics; by SDH and selected characteristics; and by SDH, race/ethnicity, and selected characteristics.
Advance Care Planning: An Introduction for Public Health and Aging Services Professionals
This course will prepare and encourage public health and aging services professionals to consider their vital role in assisting older Americans plan and document what should be done in the event they become seriously ill or lose decision-making capacity.
CDC Stacks
CDC Stacks is composed of curated collections of full-text peer reviewed articles, guidelines and recommendations, and many more documents on a broad range of public health topics. The documents are retained indefinitely and are available for public health professionals, researchers, as well as the general public.
CDC Grants
Promoting, Strengthening and Enhancing Disease Prevention by Collaboration with Targeted Stakeholders [CDC-RFA-IP13-1303]
Working through targeted stakeholders, including WIC staff, coalitions, stakeholders and parents, the awardee will increase accurate information on social media and will educate WIC staff about vaccine recommendation and best practices. These activities will in the long term reduce barriers and lead to the reduction of morbidity and mortality from vaccine preventable diseases. Closing Date: Jun 05, 2013.
QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Who Often Felt Very Tired or Exhausted in the Past 3 Months,* by Sex and Age Group - National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2010-2011
QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Ever Told They Have Some Form of Arthritis or a Related Condition,* by Sex, Race/Ethnicity, and Hispanic† Subpopulation - National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2011§
Figure 4. Probability of a pregnancy leading to a live birth in the first year of a first premarital cohabitation among women aged 15-44, by Hispanic origin and nativity and race: United States, 2006-2010