February 2011
New from CDC
Maternal, Pregnancy, and Birth Characteristics of Asians and Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders - King County, Washington, 2003-2008
This analysis determined that, compared with Asians in King County, Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders (NHPI) mothers were significantly more likely to be adolescents, overweight or obese before pregnancy, or to have smoked during pregnancy, and their infants were more likely to be born preterm, weigh >4,500 g, or receive either third trimester only or no prenatal care. These results identify important differences and support routine presentation of health data separately
for Asians and NHPIs.
Women at High Risk for Diabetes, Access and Quality of Health Care, 2003-2006
This report uses national datasets to provide information about the quality of care among women at high risk for diagnosed diabetes compared with women not at high risk. It presents measures in several areas, such as access to care, general well-being, and evidence-based diabetes-specific preventive care. CDC and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality collaborated on the development of this report.
Vital Signs: Prevalence, Treatment, and Control of Hypertension - United States, 1999-2002 and 2005-2008
During 2005-2008, approximately 68 million (31%) U.S. adults aged ≥18 years had hypertension, and this prevalence has shown no improvement in the past decade. Of these adults, 48 million (70%) were receiving pharmacologic treatment and 31 million (46%) had their condition controlled.
Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule - United States, 2011
In October 2010, ACIP approved the adult immunization schedule for 2011, which includes several changes. The recommended adult immunization schedule has been approved by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the American College of Physicians.
Abortion Surveillance - United States, 2007
A total of 827,609 abortions were reported to CDC for 2007. Women aged 20-29 years accounted for 56.9% of all abortions in 2007 and for the majority of abortions during the entire period of analysis (1998-2007). Compared with 2006, the total number and rate of reported abortions decreased 2%, and the abortion ratio decreased 3%.
Guidelines for the Identification and Management of Lead Exposure in Pregnant and Lactating Women (pdf)
The guidelines are based on scientific data and practical considerations regarding preventing lead exposure during pregnancy, assessment and blood lead testing during pregnancy, medical and environmental management to reduce fetal exposure, breastfeeding, and follow up of infants and children exposed to lead in utero. The guidelines also outline a research agenda that will provide crucial information for future efforts to prevent and treat lead exposure during
pregnancy and lactation.
Genomics and Heart Disease
Having close biological relatives with heart disease can increase your risk of developing this disease. Family health history offers important information to help you and your family members understand health risks and prevent disease.
Text4baby for Pregnant Women and New Moms
Pregnant women and new moms can receive free text messages each week with information for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
WISQARS™ Module: Cost of Injury Reports
The module provides cost estimates for injury deaths, hospitalizations, and emergency department visits where the patient was treated and released. The new module allows users to create reports of: medical costs (e.g., treatment and rehabilitation), work loss costs (e.g., lost wages, fringe benefits, and self-reported household services), and combined costs (medical plus work loss) based on a number of variables including: intent and mechanism (cause) of injury, body region
and diagnosis of injury, geographic location (for deaths only), sex, and age.
Vaccines Help Protect Travelers of All Ages
Travel within the U.S. or to other countries can be an opportunity for volunteerism or work, fun and relaxation, but also exposure to disease. Make sure you and your loved ones are protected against vaccine-preventable diseases that may be only a plane ride away.
Increasing HIV/AIDS Awareness among Blacks/African Americans
By race/ethnicity, African Americans face the most severe burden of HIV in the United States. At the end of 2007, blacks accounted for almost half (46%) of people living with a diagnosis of HIV infection in the 37 states and 5 U.S.-dependent areas with long-term, confidential, name-based HIV reporting.
Health, United States: 2010
The report provides an annual picture of the health of the entire Nation. Health, United States, 2010—which includes 41 charts, 148 detailed tables, and a Special Feature on Death and Dying—is the 34th report on the health status of the Nation.
U.S. Teenage Birth Rate Resumes Decline
The teenage birth rate declined 8 percent in the United States from 2007 through 2009, reaching a historic low at 39.1 births per 1,000 teens aged 15-19 years. Rates fell significantly for teenagers in all age groups and for all racial and ethnic groups. Teenage birth rates for each age group and for nearly all race and Hispanic origin groups in 2009 were at the lowest levels ever reported in the United States.
Nail Technicians’ Health and Workplace Exposure Control
Nail salon employees are potentially exposed to dozens of chemicals including acrylates, solvents, and biocides as dusts or vapors. A small but growing number of studies have examined possible links between nail technicians' work and health outcomes, such as respiratory, neurological, and musculoskeletal effects, as well as other health conditions. Much of the CDC-sponsored research to-date has focused on the respiratory system.
CDC Grants
Community Approaches to Reducing Sexually Transmitted Diseases CDC-RFA-PS11-1114
The purpose of the program is to announce the availability of fiscal year 2011 funds for project grant applications to support the planning, implementation, and evaluation of innovative, interdisciplinary projects to reduce STD disparities, promote sexual health, and advance community wellness using community engagement methods (e.g., community-based participatory research) and multi-sector partnerships to build local capacity to impact STD disparities in communities with
disparately high STD burden. Closing Date – April 20, 2011.
Dating Matters: Strategies to Promote Healthy Teen Relationships- CDC-RFA-CE11-1103
The purpose of the program, Dating Matters: Strategies to Promote Healthy Teen Relationships, is to build local public health capacity to establish a comprehensive community-wide Teen Dating Violence Prevention Initiative that focuses on 11-14 year olds to promote respectful, nonviolent dating relationships among youth in high-risk urban communities. Closing Date – May 5, 2011