Title: MMWR Vol. 59 / No. SS-3
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Surveillance Summaries
Volume 59, No. SS-3
April 16, 2010
Adult Tobacco Survey
9 States, 2003–2007
Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Data from the Adult Tobacco Survey (ATS) indicate that during 2003–2007, 13.3%–25.4% of adults smoked cigarettes (median: 19.2%); fewer adults smoked cigars (median: 6.4%) or used smokeless tobacco (median: 3.5%). In most states, approximately half of cigarette smokers reported that they would try to quit in the next 6 months (median: 58.4%), and approximately half made an attempt to quit in
the preceding year (median: 46.8%). The majority of adults reported that smoking should not be allowed at all in workplaces (median: 77.6%), restaurants (median: 65.5%), public buildings (median: 72.5%), or indoor sporting events/concerts (median: 72.1%). One third of adults reported smoking should not be allowed at all in cocktail lounges or bars (median: 33.1%). The percentage of adults who reported having smoke-free policies at work or home ranged from 51.2% to 75.2%
(median: 61.7%).
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Appendix: National Tobacco Control Program goals and corresponding key outcome indicators measured in
the Adult Tobacco Survey
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Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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