November 2009
New from CDC
Nation's Teen Vaccination Coverage Increasing, Variability Observed By Area, Race/Ethnicity, and Poverty Status
The National Immunization Survey estimates the proportion of teens aged 13 through 17 years who have received six recommended vaccines by the time they are surveyed. The survey found that, compared to 2007, there was a substantial increase in the percentage of teens who had received the recommended vaccines. Specifically: coverage went up about 10 percentage points for a dose of Tdap and a dose of MCV4, reaching about 40 percent for each vaccine; and coverage went up about 12
percentage points for girls who received at least one dose of HPV4, to about 37 percent, and coverage for the recommended 3 doses of HPV4 was about 18 percent.
CDC Kicks Off National Travelers’ Health Public Awareness Campaign
CDC is urging people to take the following steps when planning their travel and to stay informed about what to do if they get sick while they’re gone, including: traveling only when they are feeling well; getting vaccinated for flu (both seasonal flu and 2009 H1N1 if they are in a priority group); washing hands often; and covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue or sleeve.
Cigarette Smoking Among Adults and Trends in Smoking Cessation - United States, 2008
Overall smoking prevalence did not change significantly from 2007 to 2008. In 2008, an estimated 20.6% (46.0 million) of U.S. adults were current cigarette smokers. In 2008, smoking prevalence was higher among men (23.1%) than women (18.3%)
State-Specific Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Current Cigarette Smoking Among Adults - United States, 2008
In the 11 states and US Virgin Islands, the percentage of persons who reported being exposed to secondhand smoke (SHS) inside their home ranged from 3.2% to 10.6%, and SHS exposure in indoor workplaces ranged from 6.0% to 17.3%. Median smoking prevalence for the 50 states and DC was 20.4% for men and 16.7% for women. Men had a statistically higher prevalence of smoking than women in 35 states, DC, and the three territories.
Information for Women with Disabilities about Breast Cancer: The Right to Know
Breast cancer is a major health concern for all women, including women with disabilities. Know the facts about breast cancer and why you need to make screening a regular part of your health care.
CDC STD Surveillance Report Released
The report tracks reported cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis in the United States. The report finds that adolescent girls continue to bear a major burden of common sexually transmitted diseases and a disproportionate impact on racial minorities persists.
Girls Continue To Bear A Major Burden of Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases
A new CDC report finds that adolescent girls continue to bear a major burden of common sexually transmitted diseases and a disproportionate impact on racial minorities persists.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Pose Severe Threat to Women’s Health and Fertility (pdf)
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are among the most serious preventable threats to women’s fertility in the United States. Biological factors place women at greater risk than men for the most severe health consequences of the two most commonly reported STDs, chlamydia and gonorrhea.
Diabetes and Pregnancy
Controlling diabetes before and during pregnancy will help prevent birth defects and other poor outcomes, such as miscarriage or stillbirth.
Promoting Preventive Services for Adults 50-64: Community and Clinical Partnerships (pdf)
At the core of this report are 14 key indicators for monitoring the use of clinical preventive services among adults aged 50 to 64: four disease screenings, two immunizations, six risk factors, and two composite “up-to-date” measures that combine several select clinical preventive services specifically relevant to women or to men.
Pregnant? Don't Smoke! Learn How and Why to Quit for Good
Quitting smoking can be hard, but it is one of the best ways a woman can protect herself and her baby's health. For free help, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669).
Holiday Food Safety During Pregnancy
Learn how to keep you and your unborn baby healthy this holiday season by preparing and storing food safely.
Pregnancy and 2009 H1N1 Flu: Protect Yourself, Protect Your Baby
Pregnant women can get seriously ill with the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus (sometimes called "novel H1N1 flu" or "swine flu"). Learn how to protect yourself and your baby and what to do if you have symptoms of the flu.
Safe and Healthy Wedding
As you plan your wedding day and new life together, don't forget to add health and safety to your "to do" list.