7 Number 5 September 2009
From the Director's Desk
--John Howard, M.D. Director, NIOSH
September eNews 2009
The Long Shadow
years later, the attack on the World Trade Center continues to cast a long
shadow. We honor the men and women who perished in the attack, and we
find inspiration in the strength and courage of their families and loved
observance of 9/11 also reminds the Nation of the dedication and heroism
shown by the responders who served at Ground Zero in the aftermath of the
catastrophe. We in NIOSH have been privileged to work with the
responder community and other partners to address critical occupational
safety and health needs that emerged from the tragedy. We are proud
that much has been accomplished through this teamwork during the past eight
years. We recognize that more remains to be done, and we are committed
to further progress.
I invite
you to read the new NIOSH Science Blog at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/blog/,
which discusses one such area of ongoing partnership. In the 1990s,
NIOSH and its stakeholders had already recognized and had begun to address
needs for personal protective equipment that would meet the emerging
occupational health demands of the 21st Century. 9/11 added even
greater urgency to this mission. From the lessons of Ground Zero, the
occupational health community identified critical needs relating to the
design, availability, use, and maintenance of respirators for responders.
As the
federal agency responsible for testing and certifying respirators for
workplace use, and for conducting research to advance workplace respiratory
protection, NIOSH has followed up with our stakeholders on several fronts to
address those needs. Resources about NIOSH’s respirator testing,
certification, and research program can be found at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npptl/topics/respirators/.
The NIOSH Science Blog provides further details about those initiatives, and
invites your comments.
continue regarding adverse health effects associated with exposure to the
smoke, dust, fumes, and emotionally wrenching conditions of Ground Zero.
Since 2001, NIOSH has been privileged to administer federal funds that
support the health monitoring and treatment of responders who served at the
rescue and recovery site, and of Lower Manhattan residents, cleanup workers
and others affected by the WTC disaster . More details about these
programs can be found at the NIOSH World Trade Center response page at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/wtc/
and at the World Trade Center Health Registry page at http://nyc.gov/html/doh/wtc/html/registry/registry.shtml
We have
been extremely honored to work closely with Ground Zero responders, recovery
and cleanup workers, Lower Manhattan residents, students, school staff and
workers, and with their dedicated health providers, to support these vital
efforts. More than 51,000 responders, nearly 2,000 community members,
and tens of thousands of others have been served through programs funded by
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Health monitoring and
treatment are crucial for identifying symptoms of illness and psychological
trauma, and for designing effective interventions. From knowledge
gained through these programs, we also have a means to help us identify
trends in the respiratory, gastrointestinal and psychological illnesses among
the exposed populations of responders and community members. >From this
experience, we hope that we can better anticipate the ongoing needs of the
populations affected by the WTC Disaster on September 11, 2001 and then take
those lessons and apply them to future emergency preparedness and response
Already, a
number of studies in the peer-reviewed medical science literature, drawn from
the WTC exposure experience, have been published since 2001. These
studies can be found at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/wtc/SciSumAllByYear.html.
Recently published studies indicate a troubling persistence of respiratory
and psychological symptoms and illnesses among the exposed
populations. I commend this growing body of literature to you,
including the most recent journal articles from the WTC Health Registry, the
New York City Fire Department http://www.nyc.gov/html/fdny/html/units/bhs/wtcmm/index.shtml
and from the WTC Environmental Health Center of the Health and Hospitals
Corporation of New York City http://www.nyc.gov/html/hhc/html/services/wtc-health-center.shtml.
These most recent articles are:
- Brackbill,
et al, “Asthma and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms 5 to 6 Years
Following Exposure to the World Trade Center Terrorist
Attack.” JAMA. 2009;302(5):502-516.
- Webber,
et al, “Trends in Respiratory Symptoms of Firefighters Exposed to
the World Trade Center Disaster: 2001–2005.”
Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 117, Number 6, June 2009 http://www.ehponline.org/members/2009/0800291/0800291.html
- Reibman, et al. “Characteristics of a
Residential and Working Community With Diverse Exposure to World Trade
Center Dust, Gas, and Fumes. Journal of Occupational and
Environmental Medicine. 51(5):534-541, May 2009. http://journals.lww.com/joem/Abstract/2009/05000/Characteristics_of_a_Residential_and_Working.3.aspx
Since the
World Trade Center Disaster in 2001, NIOSH has been privileged to administer
the federal funding for World Trade Center health surveillance, monitoring,
and treatment for responders and the community through its annual
appropriations. A bill pending in Congress, H.R. 847, titled the James
Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2009, would Congressionally
authorize a formal World Trade Center health program in NIOSH. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d111:H.R.847:
The legislation is named for Detective James Zadroga of the New York City
Police Department, whose death in 2006 greatly heightened public attention to
the health concerns of the World Trade Center responders and the community.
As we
commemorate the eighth year since the terrible loss on September 11, 2001, I
am honored that Secretary Sebelius and Dr. Freidan have given me the
opportunity to serve again as the Director of NIOSH, and to resume duties as
Coordinator of the Department of Health and Human Services’ World Trade
Center Health Programs.
I look forward to working with all of you to continue
our important work on behalf of those who suffer, and still suffer, health
effects from the World Trade Center Disaster eight years ago.
John Howard Appointed Director of NIOSH
HHS Secretary
Kathleen Sebelius announced the selection of John Howard, M.D., as the new
director for NIOSH and the coordinator for HHS World Trade Center Health
Programs. Dr. Howard previously served as NIOSH director from 2002 through
2008. We thank Dr. Christine M. Branche for her excellent service as Acting
Director and welcome Dr. Howard's return. http://www.hhs.gov/news/press/2009pres/09/20090903d.html
National Academies Releases Prepublication Copy of NIOSH
On August 25, the National Academies
released a prepublication copy of the report Evaluating Occupational Health and Safety Research
Programs: Framework and Next Steps. The report culminated the
process of independent reviews of eight NIOSH research programs. NIOSH will
closely review the August 25 report, which discusses lessons learned in the process
of evaluating research programs. The prepublication copy of the report is
available online from the National Academies at http://www.iom.edu/CMS/3740/28457/72627.aspx.
Essential Elements for Risk Management Suggested
Six essential features for proactive
management of occupational safety and health risks in emerging industries
such as nanotechnology are suggested in an article in the August 2009 issue
of Nature Nanotechnology. The
authors are Vladimir Murashov, Ph.D., Special Assistant to the NIOSH
Director, and John Howard, M.D., former NIOSH Director. http://www.nature.com/nnano/journal/v4/n8/full/nnano.2009.205.html.
NIOSH is saddened
to learn of the passing of Dr. Paul Baron on May 20, 2009, at his residence
in Cincinnati, Ohio, after a long battle with cancer. Paul worked at NIOSH
for 30 years until his retirement in 2004. He was a leading scholar in
aerosol science and occupational health research. To read an extensive list
of Dr. Baron’s many accomplishments, go to doi:10.1016/j.jaerosci.2009.06.007.
Update on NIOSH Studies Related to Respirator
Performance and Airborne Transmission of the
H1N1 Virus
On August 11–13, NIOSH researchers
participated in the Institute of Medicine (IOM) workshop on personal
protective equipment for healthcare workers potentially exposed on the job to
the H1N1 virus. The researchers described current scientific results and
details of ongoing NIOSH studies on the key issues of respirator performance
and airborne transmission of the virus. The IOM committee will make
recommendations to CDC and OSHA. The NIOSH presentations and other workshop
materials are posted at http://www.iom.edu/CMS/3740/71769/71867.aspx.
NIOSH’s global leadership and international
teamwork in research on nanotechnology safety and health are reflected in
three new reports from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD). For links to these reports, see “Nanotechnology
Spotlights” on the NIOSH Topic Page: Nanotechnology
at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/nanotech/.
NIOSH Seeks Comments on the Following:
Draft Construction Program Plan, to implement the
National Academies’ program evaluation recommendations. Deadline for
comments is September 25, 2009. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/review/public/182/.
Draft Traumatic Injury Program Plan, to implement the
National Academies’ program evaluation recommendations. Deadline for
comments is September 25, 2009. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/review/public/181/.
Three NIOSH Analytical Methods, related to
measuring methamphetamine or other illicit drugs via three different
techniques. Deadline for comments is September 30, 2009. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/review/public/176/,
Quality Assurance Requirements for Respirators, petition to change
a regulation that specifies when a warning device on a respirator must give
an alarm that the air supply in the oxygen tank is being depleted. Deadline
for comments is October 9, 2009. http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/E9-11947.htm.
Draft Health Hazard Evaluation Program Plan, to implement the
National Academies’ program evaluation recommendations. Deadline for
comments is September 30, 2009. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/review/public/185/.
Draft Air-fed Ensembles Concept Paper, to update or
create portions of Title 42 Code of Federal Regulations Part 84 (42 CFR Part
84) to promote improved performance and reliability of air-fed ensembles
(AFE). Deadline for comments is October 19, 2009. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/review/public/148A/.
Concept Paper for Total Inward Leakage, to update portions
of Title 42 Code of Federal Regulations Part 84 (42 CFR Part 84) to promote
improved performance and reliability in the area of total inward leakage for
respirators other than filtering facepieces and half-masks. Deadline for
comments is October 19, 2009. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/review/public/168/.
Morbidity and Mortality @ Work
Workplace suicides rose from 196 cases in 2007 to 251
cases in 2008, an increase of 28% and the highest number ever reported
by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Census of Fatal Occupational
Injuries (CFOI). Because suicidal behavior is generally multicausal in
nature, determining the motivation for suicidal behavior is extremely
challenging. Data such as those reported by CFOI can serve as the basis for
further research to address such challenges. For more information, see An Analysis of Workplace Suicides,
1992–2001 by Stephen Pegula at http://www.bls.gov/opub/cwc/sh20040126ar01p1.htm.
For more details, see the chart at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/enews/enewsv7n5chart.html.
Oklahoma Surveillance Study Examines Burn
Injuries Among Roofers
A new study by the Oklahoma Occupational Surveillance
Project of the Oklahoma State Department of Health examined burn injuries
among roofers, using data collected from Oklahoma burn centers and the Office
of the Chief Medical Examiner. The study revealed that 7% of serious
work-related burn injuries and deaths occurred among roofers. A new report
and fact sheet, based on these findings, were released which provide
information on the risks to roofers and safety recommendations for roofers
and their employers to help avoid injury. These materials are available at http://www.ok.gov/health/documents/IU_Roofer_Burns.pdf
and http://www.ok.gov/health/documents/FS_Roofer_Burns.pdf.
Signs A New Licensing Agreement
NIOSH signed a new licensing agreement with Micro Fresh
Filters to manufacture a new NIOSH invention—a diesel particulate
detection system to measure engine emissions. The system is comprised of a
sampling pump and special disposable filters to determine levels of air
particles in engine exhausts. The technology is designed to be used to
improve diesel exhaust controls. Mention of a company name does not
constitute a NIOSH commercial endorsement. For more information, contact
Kathleen Goedel at Kgoedel@xxxxxxx or go
National Transportation, Warehousing, and Utilities Agenda
The National Transportation,
Warehousing, and Utilities Agenda is now available at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/nora/. The
agenda highlights research and partnership needs in four strategic areas to
improve the safety and health of more than 7 million workers. Contact the
NORA coordinator (noracoordinator@xxxxxxx)
with any questions or suggestions or to join others to work on these goals.
Healthcare and Social Assistance Sector Council Presents State
of the Sector
Healthcare and Social Assistance Sector Council released the State of the Sector—Healthcare
and Social Assistance: Identification of Research Opportunities for the Next
Decade of NORA (http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2009-139/),
which provides information on the Healthcare and Social Assistance Sector in
terms of magnitude and consequences of known and emerging health and safety
problems, critical research gaps, and future research needs. Also released as
separate publications are the executive summary (http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2009-138/)
and fact sheet (http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2009-149/pdfs/2009-149.pdf).
Draft National Healthcare and Social Assistance Agenda
The NORA Healthcare and Social Assistance Sector
Council requests comments on the draft national agenda (http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/review/public/183/),
which consists of five strategic goals drawn from the larger set of research
needs contained in the newly released State of the Sector document announced
above. The Council also seeks organizations to join partnership efforts to
advance the draft priorities. For more information, contact the NORA
coordinator (noracoordinator@xxxxxxx).
Help NIOSH With The Blog!
When you visit the NIOSH blog this month you may be
asked to answer a short survey. We are currently evaluating the NIOSH blog,
and we hope you will take a couple minutes to answer the questions in order
to help us to continue to meet the needs of our readers. If you have any
questions, please contact Virginia Sublet vsublet@xxxxxxx.
New NIOSH Software Helps Prevent Occupational Hearing Loss in
new analysis software, Determination
of Sound Exposures (DOSES), helps mine operators and miners
better identify and control sources of potentially harmful noise by recording
miners’ movements with noise levels experienced over the work shift. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/pubs/pubreference/outputid3260.htm
NIOSH Report Released on Control Banding
A new
NIOSH report reviews the published literature on “control banding,” describes potential
control-banding strategies, and suggests areas where additional research is
needed. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2009-152/
To see other new NIOSH communication products,
including documents and topic pages, go to the NIOSH “What’s
New” page. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/whatsnew.html
American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition 2010
(AIHce): New Frontiers In Science and Practice
Call for presentations, posters, and programs. Deadline for submission is
October 5, 2009. www.AIHce2010.org
NIOSH and International
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health
Call for papers on nanotechnology exposure assessment. Deadline for
submission is January 15, 2010.
Upcoming Conferences & Workshops
strategy to assess and control occupational exposures to chemicals for which
no occupational exposure limits exist.
NIOSH eNews on the Web:
eNews is Brought to You By:
Howard, M.D.
in Chief
Affairs Officer
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