Title: MMWR Vol. 58 / No. SS-6
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Surveillance Summaries
Volume 58, No. SS-6
July 17, 2009
Sexual and Reproductive Health of Persons Aged 10--24 Years
United States, 2002--2007
This report presents data for 2002-2007 concerning the sexual and reproductive health of persons aged 10-24 years in the United States. Data were compiled from the National Vital Statistics System and multiple surveys and surveillance systems that monitor sexual and reproductive health outcomes into a single reference report that makes this information more easily accessible to policy makers, researchers, and program providers who are working to improve the reproductive health
of young persons in the United States. The report addresses three primary topics: 1) current levels of risk behavior and health outcomes; 2) disparities by sex, age, race/ethnicity, and geographic residence; and
3) trends over time. The data presented in this report indicate that many young persons in the United States engage in sexual risk behavior and experience negative reproductive health outcomes. Although the majority of negative outcomes have been declining for the past decade, the most recent data suggest that progress might be slowing, and certain negative sexual health outcomes
are increasing.
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Appendix: Sampling Error, Standards of Precision and Reliability, and Case Definitions
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Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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