Emerging Infectious Diseases journal Volume 15, Number 3, March 2009, is now available on the Web. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/index.htm?s_cid=eidindex_e Other articles published online ahead of print can be accessed at http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/upcoming.htm?s_cid=eidupcoming_e Podcasts are available at http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/podcast/index.htm?s_cid=eidpodcast_e *********************************************** Abbreviated table of contents: PERSPECTIVE Meeting the Challenge of Influenza Pandemic Preparedness in Developing Countries, D.S. Fedson http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/365.htm?s_cid=eid365_e RESEARCH Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia coli Strains Negative for Locus of Enterocyte Effacement, H.J. Newton et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/372.htm?s_cid=eid372_e Sources of Hepatitis E Virus Genotype 3 in the Netherlands, S.A. Rutjes et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/381.htm?s_cid=eid381_e Integron-mediated Multidrug Resistance in a Global Collection of Nontyphoidal Salmonella enterica Isolates, M.G. Krauland et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/388.htm?s_cid=eid388_e Coccidioidal Pneumonia, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 2000-2004, M.M. Kim et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/397.htm?s_cid=eid397_e Characterization of Avian Influenza Viruses A (H5N1) from Wild Birds, Hong Kong, 2004-2008, G.J.D. Smith et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/402.htm?s_cid=eid402_e Influenza-like Illness in Children, Nicaragua, 2005-2007, A. Gordon et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/408.htm?s_cid=eid408_e CME Activity: Clinical Risk Factors for Severe Clostridium difficile- associated Disease, T.J. Henrich et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/415_cme_activity.htm?s_cid=eidcme_ac tivity_e Capacity of Thailand to Contain an Emerging Influenza Pandemic, W. Putthasri et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/423.htm?s_cid=eid423_e DISPATCHES Serotype 8, Germany, F.J. Conraths et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/433.htm?s_cid=eid433_e Evaluation of Anti-Dengue Virus Immunoglobulin M Tests, E.A. Hunsperger et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/436.htm?s_cid=eid436_e Astrovirus MLB1 in Stool Samples from Children, S.R. Finkbeiner et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/441.htm?s_cid=eid441_e Introduction into Nigeria of a Distinct Genotype of Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1), A. Fusaro et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/445.htm?s_cid=eid445_e Border Disease Virus among Chamois, Spain, I. Marco et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/448.htm?s_cid=eid448_e Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Poultry, D. Persoons et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/452.htm?s_cid=eid452_e Human Bocavirus and KI/WU Polyomaviruses in Pediatric Intensive Care Patients, A.C. van de Pol et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/454.htm?s_cid=eid454_e Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in Dogs, Brazil, M.B. Labruna et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/458.htm?s_cid=eid458_e Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in High-Risk Population, Turkey, T. Gunes et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/461.htm?s_cid=eid461_e Sudden Increase in Listeriosis Rates in England and Wales, 2001 and 2003, B.J. Cairns and R.J.H. Payne http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/465.htm?s_cid=eid465_e Coordinated Implementation of Chikungunya Virus Reverse Transcription-PCR, M. Panning et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/469.htm?s_cid=eid469_e Extended-Spectrum beta-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae in Malian Orphanage, D. Tande et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/472.htm?s_cid=eid472_e Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1) Outbreak in Captive Wild Birds and Cats, Cambodia, S. Desvaux et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/475.htm?s_cid=eid475_e Hepatitis E Virus Antibodies in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease, M. Atiq et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/479.htm?s_cid=eid479_e Detection of Novel SARS-like and Other Coronaviruses in Bats from Kenya, S. Tong et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/482.htm?s_cid=eid482_e Rickettsia spp. in Ticks, Poland, T. Chmielewski et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/486.htm?s_cid=eid486_e Merkel Cell Polyomavirus in Respiratory Tract Secretions, S. Goh et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/489.htm?s_cid=eid489_e Merkel Cell Polyomavirus DNA in Respiratory Specimens from Children and Adults, S. Bialasiewicz et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/492.htm?s_cid=eid492_e ANOTHER DIMENSION Fantastic Voyage: Influenza, J.W. Tang http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/512.htm?s_cid=eid512_e LETTERS Guillain-Barre Syndrome after Chikungunya Infection, G. Lebrun http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/495.htm?s_cid=eid495_e Cockroaches (Ectobius vittiiventris) in an Intensive Care Unit, Switzerland, I. Uckay et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/496.htm?s_cid=eid496_e Cutaneous Anthrax, West Bengal, India, 2007, T.K. Ray et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/497.htm?s_cid=eid497_e Cat-to-Human Orthopoxvirus Transmission, Northeastern Italy, F. Carletti et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/499.htm?s_cid=eid499_e Pertussis in Afghanistan, 2007-2008, R.M. Kakar et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/501.htm?s_cid=eid501_e Salmonella bongori in Migratory Birds, Italy, M. Foti et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/502.htm?s_cid=eid502_e Comet Sign (and Other) in Pyemotes Dermatitis, J.B. Bellido-Blasco et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/503.htm?s_cid=eid503_e Helicobacter pylori in Patients Undergoing Upper Endoscopy, Georgia, N. Tarkhashvili et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/504.htm?s_cid=eid504_e Spelling Pneumocystis jirovecii, J.R. Stringer et al. http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/506a.htm?s_cid=eid506a_e Hypothetical Pneumocystis jirovecii Transmission from Immunocompetent Carriers to Infant (response) http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/506b.htm?s_cid=eid506b_e Delinquent Mortgages, Neglected Swimming Pools, and West Nile Virus, California (response) http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/508.htm?s_cid=eid508_e BOOK REVIEWS Avian Influenza, H. Oshitani http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/510a.htm?s_cid=eid510a_e Forgotten People, Forgotten Diseases, C.B. Beard http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/510b.htm?s_cid=eid510b_e Travel Medicine, 2nd Edition, L.H. Chin http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/511.htm?s_cid=eid511_e ABOUT THE COVER Tango with Cows, P. Potter http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/513.htm?s_cid=eid513_e NEWS AND NOTES Etymologia: Shigella http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/15/3/371.htm?s_cid=eid371_e *********************************************** Suggested citation for articles published electronically: Komar N, Lanciotti R, Bowen R, Langevin S, Bunning M. Detection of West Nile virus in oral and cloacal swabs collected from bird carcasses. Emerg Infect Dis [serial on the Internet]. 2002 Jul [cited 2002 May 30]. Available from http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol8no7/02-0157.htm To remove yourself from EID-TOC, send a message to LISTSERV@xxxxxxx with the following in the body of your message: SIGNOFF EID-TOC ISSN 1080-6059 This material is provided by the National Center for Infectious Diseases-a subunit of CDC/ATSDR. 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