Volume 4 Number 2 June






May 25, NIOSH recognized contributions by our scientists and engineers for
excellence in science, in service, and in applying research for the
prevention of occupational illness and injury. I am pleased to highlight this
year’s awards, which reflect NIOSH’s core values of conducting
exemplary science to meet important needs, moving that research into
practice, and developing historic partnerships nationally and globally.

Dr. Alice
Alice Hamilton Awards
The annual Alice Hamilton Awards were presented to four NIOSH technical
products of superior scientific merit for 2005. It is given on the basis of
rigorous reviews by panels of scientific experts, for outstanding NIOSH
contributions in the areas of biological sciences, engineering and physical
sciences, human studies and education materials. The award is named for
pioneering research and occupational physician, Dr. Alice Hamilton. The 2006
winners are:
Educational Materials Category:
-- Winner:
Scott DF, Drake PL, Brady TM. HazCom Helper ver. 2.5. Spokane, WA: U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS
(NIOSH) Publication No. 2005-135c [CD-ROM], 2005.
Honorable Mention
Cullen ET, and Fein AH. Tell Me a Story: Why Stories are Essential to Effective Safety
Training. Spokane, WA: U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No.
2005-152, 2005.
Biological Sciences Category:
-- Winner:
Shvedova AA, Kisin ER, Mercer R, Murray AR, Johnson VJ, Potapovich AI,
Tyurina YY, Gorelik O, Arepalli S, Schwegler-Berry D, Hubbs AF, Antonini J, Evans
DE, Ku BK, Ramsey D, Maynard A, Kagan VE, Castranova V, Baron P. Unusual
inflammatory and fibrogenic pulmonary responses to single-walled carbon
nanotubes in mice. Am
J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 289(5):L698-L708,
Honorable Mention
Tobias HJ, Schafer MP, Pitesky M, Fergenson DP, Horn J, Frank M, Gard EE.
Bioaerosol mass spectrometry for rapid detection of individual airborne
Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra particles. Appl Environ Microbiol
71(10): 6086-6095, 2005.
Engineering and Physical Sciences
-- Winner:
Hsiao H, Whitestone J, Bradtmiller B, Whistler R, Zwiener J, Lafferty C, Kau
TY, Gross M. Anthropometric criteria for the design of tractor cabs and
protection frames. Ergonomics
48(4):323-353, 2005.
Human Studies Category:
-- Winner:
Kubale TL, Daniels RD, Yiin JH, Couch, J, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Kinnes GM,
Silver SR, Nowlin SJ, Chen PH. A nested case-control study of leukemia
mortality and ionizing radiation at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Radiat Res
164(6):810-819, 2005.
Honorable Mention
(These two sequential articles represent a single nomination.)
Chen W, Hnizdo E, Chen JQ, Attfield MD, Gao P, Hearl F, Lu J, Wallace WE.
Risk of silicosis in cohorts of Chinese tin and tungsten miners and pottery
workers (I): an epidemiological study. Am J Ind Med 48(1):1-9,
J, Chen JQ, Miller W, Chen W, Hnizdo E, Lu J, Chisholm W, Keane M, Gao P,
Wallace WE. Risk of silicosis in cohorts of Chinese tin and tungsten miners
and pottery workers (II): workplace-specific silica particle surface
composition. Am J Ind
Med 48(1):10-15, 2005.
information about each of this year’s Alice Hamilton Award winners can
be found at

Dr. James P.
James P. Keogh Award for Outstanding
Service in Occupational Safety and Health
The 2006 James P. Keogh Award for Outstanding Service in Occupational Safety
and Health was presented to Marilyn Fingerhut, Ph.D. in recognition of her
distinguished career of scholarship and leadership at NIOSH. The award
recognizes one current or former NIOSH employee each year for exceptional
service to the field. The award is offered in honor of the late Dr. James P.
Keogh, a tireless advocate for worker safety and health. More information on
Dr. Fingerhut’s distinguished career and Dr. Keogh’s
contributions to occupational safety and health can be found at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/hamilton/fingerhut-keogh-winn-2005.html.
Research-to-Practice Awards
The Bullard-Sherwood Research-to-Practice Award is presented for excellence
in applying research to occupational illness and injury prevention. The award
is named for Edward W. Bullard, inventor of the hard hat, and R. Jeremy
Sherwood, inventor of the personal industrial hygiene sampling pump. The
recipients of the award were selected after close reviews for outstanding
contributions in three categories: knowledge, for research resulting in
developing and transferring new knowledge into practice; interventions, for
research resulting in interventions put into practice; and technology, for
research resulting in new technologies put into practice. The 2006 winners
Knowledge Category:
-- Winner:
Hsiao H, Whisler R, Zwiener J, Guan J, Spahr J, Kau TY, Bradtmiller B,
Whitestone J, Feldstein J, Wolner T, Reynolds R. Harness Design and Sizing Effectiveness.
Interventions Category:
-- Winner:
Cullen ET, Wopat PF, Clough-Thomas KS. Tell Me a Story: Why Stories are Essential to
Effective Safety Training.
Technology Category:
-- Winner:
Kovalchik PG, Matetic RJ, Peterson JS. Engineering Controls for Hearing Loss Prevention.
Honorable Mention
Mark C, Chase F, Owens J. Preventing Rock Fall Fatalities During Coal Pillar Recovery.
More information about the 2006
winners and background on the Bullard-Sherwood r2p Awards can be found at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/hamilton/bullard-sherwood.html.
NIOSH Invites Public Comment on
Dust Monitor Draft Report
NIOSH is requesting public comment
on a Draft Report of Investigations, “Laboratory and Field Performance
of a Respirable Personal Dust Monitor.” The draft report addresses the
laboratory and field testing of the Personal Dust Monitor (PDM). Comments
will be accepted until June 30, 2006. A copy of the draft report and links
for filing comments by email and online can be found at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/review/public/dustmonitor.
Included in the draft report for public comment are extensive technical data
and discussions, such as descriptions of the PDM, the tests performed on the
equipment, detailed data from test results, and the conclusions drawn from
the results. The draft report concludes that, based on the findings of the
tests, the device “functioned as well as the current sampler in terms
of availability for use, accuracy, precision, and miner acceptance.”
Flavorings-Related Lung Disease
Subject of new NIOSH Topic Page
A new NIOSH Topic Page provides a
resource for findings and recommendations by NIOSH to reduce the risk of
severe obstructive lung disease (bronchiolitis obliterans)
associated with occupational exposures to flavorings. Bronchiolitis
obliterans is a serious, irreversible lung disease whose symptoms include
cough and shortness of breath on exertion. The topic page provides background
on NIOSH’s extensive research into this occupational disease, outlines
the symptoms associated with and treatment for bronchiolitis obliterans, and
discusses recommended control measures for reducing job-related exposures to
flavorings. Also on the page are links to key NIOSH resources and reports
stemming from its research. We invite you to review the Topic Page at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/flavorings/.
The page includes an email address for providing feedback and receiving
updates of information, Flavorings@xxxxxxx.
New NIOSH State-of-the-Art Mobile
Medical Unit Coming to a Location Near You

The NIOSH Mobile
Medical Unit
new mobile medical unit provides underground coal miners with the opportunity
to receive confidential lung disease screening in close proximity to where
they work, live or shop. This new NIOSH resource will assist researchers,
medical professionals, and others in identifying the distribution and
prevalence of coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP) or black lung disease
and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in U.S. coal miners. The
self-contained unit provides individual privacy and state-of-the-art
equipment for education, interviewing, x-ray screening, and lung function
testing. The Mine Safety and Health Administration provided initial funding
for the unit.

NIOSH staff
miners inside the unit.
To date, 581 miners have been
screened in initial uses of the new unit, and further screening visits are
planned for the near future in Virginia and Kentucky. Information obtained
from the mobile screening activities will help identify conditions and
locations where current occupational exposures may pose a risk for CWP, and
where interventions may be needed to reduce exposures, prevent the onset of
CWP, or identify cases of illnesses for appropriate treatment. To learn more
about the program and the Mobile Medical Unit, visit http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/surveillance/ORDS/CoalWorkers
HealthSurvProgram.html or contact Anita Wolfe at AWolfe@xxxxxxx.
NIOSH National Personal Protective
Technology Laboratory Update
February and May, 160 applications were submitted to NIOSH for approval of
new respirators or extension of approvals for currently approved
respirators. 129 were approved or extended, of which 8 were devices
intended for protection against chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear
(CBRN) agents.
NIOSH-issued user notices were posted on NIOSH’s Web page in March and
April. A new category of user notices has been added for the Department
of Transportation. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npptl.
As requested by our stakeholders,
the Respirator Standard Test Procedures have now been posted on the NIOSH Web
page. This enables manufacturers to review the test procedures that the
products will undergo during testing for NIOSH certification.
Additional procedures will be added as they are updated. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npptl/stps/respirator_testing.htm.
In Memoriam: Priscilla Wopat and
David K. Denton Jr.
NIOSH is saddened to report the
passing of two valued employees and friends. Priscilla Wopat, a
technical writer-editor at the NIOSH Spokane Research Laboratory, passed away
on May 13. An excellent editor and publications manager, Priscilla was
posthumously awarded a 2006 NIOSH Bullard-Sherwood r2p Award on May 25 for
her work in helping to develop and publish the NIOSH publication "Tell
Me a Story: Why Stories are Essential to Effective Safety
Training." David K. Denton, Jr., a mining engineer also with the
Spokane Research Laboratory, passed away on May 17. Among many research
accomplishments, Dave studied the applications of seismic monitoring to
predict and control rock bursts in underground mines. Based on the
results of his research, he helped to develop and install innovative
monitoring systems in mines. He authored and co-authored numerous
publications during his career, but was especially dedicated to making an
impact by taking new technologies directly to miners and mine operators, and
helping them improve the safety of their workplaces.
NIOSH Office
of Extramural Programs
The NIOSH Office of Extramural Programs (OEP) announces three new
extramural funding opportunities.
NIOSH and partners receive Safe Patient Lifting Award
A NIOSH collaboration was recently recognized by the prestigious 2005 Safe
Patient Handling and Movement Awards, presented by the Veterans Health
Administration Veterans Integrated Service Network 8. The Safe Patient
Handling and Movement Educator Award was presented to the collaboration
between NIOSH, the American Nurses Association and the Veterans Affairs
Patient Safety Center for the development and evaluation of a new Safe
Patient Handling and Movement curriculum module to be used in schools of
nursing. Faculty members from 26 geographically-dispersed schools
participated and were able to successfully integrate the new approach into
their existing curricula. From these the University of North Carolina, Chapel
Hill School of Nursing; Boise State School of Nursing; and the Belmont
University School of Nursing were selected as winners of the Educator Award
for Safe Patient Handling, based on outstanding efforts to change the
curriculum, including evidence-based approaches to safe patient handling. A
draft of the curriculum can be accessed on the NIOSH Web site, http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/review/public/safe-patient.
Volunteers needed for the NORA Sector Research Councils.
Now is the time to volunteer to participate on a National Occupational
Research Agenda (NORA) Sector Research Council. Eight councils are being
formed to create and maintain a sector-specific research strategy for the
nation -- and to maximize the impact of this agenda through partnerships.
Each council will be led by a Manager, who is typically a NIOSH Division or
Laboratory Director, and by a Coordinator, who provides day-to-day Program
leadership. If you are interested in contributing to a Sector Research
Council, you may contact either the Coordinator of any sector that interests
you or Sid Soderholm, NORA Coordinator, at NORACoordinator@xxxxxxx. After
nomination by the NORA Sector Program leaders, NORA Research Council members
will be asked to serve by the NIOSH Director. Each NORA Sector Research
Council is expected to meet before the end of the summer. Please consider
Division of Applied
Research and Technology (DART)
On March 2 – 4, NIOSH, together with the American Psychological
Association, the National Institute of Justice, and the National Institute on
Disability and Rehabilitation Research, hosted the Sixth International Conference on Work Stress and
Health in Miami, Florida. The conference’s theme
was "Making a Difference in the Workplace,” focusing on the
translation of research to practice. Over 700 researchers from 33 countries
attended the conference, which featured 137 scientific poster presentations
and 85 symposia and paper sessions, in which 364 peer-reviewed scientific
papers were presented. Over three dozen reports addressed workplace
interventions to reduce job stress, with other key topics covering
organizational restructuring, alternative employment relationships, long
working hours, workplace violence, health disparities, and natural disasters.
More information on the conference is available at http://www.apa.org/pi/work/wsh2006.html.
For information on NIOSH research on workplace and organizational stress,
contact Jeannie Nigam at JNigam@xxxxxxx.
Division of
Respiratory Disease Studies (DRDS)
Staff from the DRDS Surveillance Branch conducted a two-day Longitudinal
Spirometry Workshop March 9-10, 2006 in Washington, DC. The Workshop
addressed statistical methods in longitudinal spirometry research relevant to
workplace monitoring. The Workshop was attended by invited experts in lung
function from across the U.S. Formal presentations and discussions covered
the key issues in the performance and interpretation of longitudinal
spirometry in relation to occupational health practice. Topics covered were
data quality, methods to measure decline, interpretive criteria,
communicating results, and decision making. The workshop provided the
opportunity for input and information exchange with stakeholders and
researchers in this r2p-oriented project concerning secondary disease prevention
through worker medical monitoring. For more information, contact Eva Hnizdo
at EHnizdo@xxxxxxx.
Division of Safety
Research (DSR)
In March 2006, the Massachusetts Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation
Program (MA FACE), funded by NIOSH, collaborated with the Massachusetts State
Fire Marshal to release a Fire Safety Alert entitled, “Wood Floor
Sanders Killed When Floor Finishing Product Catches Fire- Massachusetts.”
This publication followed two separate incidents in a 10-month period in
which three Vietnamese immigrants were killed and others injured when lacquer
sealer they were applying was ignited by pilot lights. The sealer used
in these incidents was highly flammable, with a flash point of 9°F/-13°C. The
Fire Safety Alert recommended using less flammable wood floor finishing
products with flash points greater than 100°F/38°C, extinguishing all open
flames and other ignition sources before beginning work, and ensuring that
the work area is well-ventilated. According to press accounts, a
Massachusetts task force announced an agreement by suppliers in May to take
lacquer sealers off the market, and a bill requiring certification of wood
flooring contractors and employees has been introduced in the Massachusetts
legislature. For more information or to receive a copy of the Fire Safety
Alert, contact the MA FACE Director, Michael Fiore at 617-624-5627. The
MA FACE reports on these two incidents are available at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/face/stateface/ma/04ma032.html
and http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/face/stateface/ma/05ma044.html.
Division of
Surveillance, Hazard Evaluations, and Field Studies (DSHEFS)
A recent article by NIOSH scientists in a growing area of 21st Century
medicine was hailed by William A. See, M.D., a member of the editorial board
of the journal Urologic
Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations, in the
May-June 2006 issue of the journal. The article expanded and updated an
earlier NIOSH study on risk of bladder cancer from occupational exposures.
The new article found that a particular type of metabolic activity in the
body involving the enzyme NAT2 was associated with a decreased risk for
bladder cancer from exposure to benzidine, even though the same activity is
associated with an increased risk for bladder cancer from exposure to two
other industrial chemicals, 2-naphthylamine and 4-aminobiphenyl. This finding
suggests that the use of NAT2 as a signal for risk of occupational bladder
cancer must be done in a "contextual" way that takes the type of
chemical exposure into account, Dr. See said. He added that the potential use
of such emerging knowledge for better identifying populations of at-risk
workers represents an "extraordinarily powerful tool" for
preventive occupational medicine. "NAT2 slow acetylation and bladder
cancer in workers exposed to benzidine" was published by T. Carreón,
A.M. Ruder, P.A. Schulte, R.B. Hayes, N. Rothman, M. Waters, D.J. Grant, R.
Boissy, D.A. Bell, F.F. Kadlubar, G.P. Hemstreet III, S. Yin, and G.K.
LeMasters in the January 2006 issue of the International Journal of Cancer (2006;118:161-8).
It was referenced by Dr. See in the Urologic Oncology Survey section of Urologic Oncology: Seminars and
Original Investigations (2006; 24:273).
Education and
Information Division (EID)
Paul A. Schulte, PhD, Director of the Education and Information Division,
received the 2006 Kammer Merit in Authorship Award for his study
“Characterizing the burden of occupational injury and disease”
from the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM).
The Award recognizes outstanding articles published in the Journal of Occupational and
Environmental Medicine. The literature review (J Occup Environ Med
2005 Jun; 47(6):607-622) provided a comprehensive characterization of the
burden incurred by occupational injury and disease. Schulte found that while
the magnitude of occupational disease and injury burden is significant, it is
underestimated, and there is a need for an integrated approach to address
these underestimates.
Health Effects
Laboratory Division (HELD)
In April, Vince Castranova, Robert Mercer, Petia Simeonova, Dale Porter and
Val Vallyathan from HELD presented a mini-symposium on the pulmonary and
cardiovascular effects of single-walled carbon nanotubes. The mini-symposium
was presented to distinguished colleagues from Japan and from the Woodrow
Wilson International Center for Scholars in the U.S. This scientific briefing
supported a research collaboration between NIOSH and Japanese industrial and
academic scientists on evaluation of the potential cardio-pulmonary effects of
aspiration of multi-walled carbon nanotubes. The role of the Japanese
scientists is to synthesize and characterize the material. NIOSH scientists
will conduct laboratory toxicology screenings to evaluate potential health
effects and study translocation of the material deposited in the lungs to
other systems of the body.
National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL)
NIOSH's National Personal Protection Technology Laboratory has completed a
key phase of a project to develop new technology that will incorporate
sensors into air-purifying respirator filter cartridges. The sensors are
intended to provide a low-cost electronic system that will alert the user
when 90 percent of a cartridge's capacity has been consumed, signaling the
need to replace the cartridge. In the completed phase, researchers
constructed a cartridge simulation device that accomodates sensors, and
successfully evaluated the simulator against criteria used by NIOSH to test
respirators for certification. Over the next six months, the laboratory will
place sensors in the simulator and test them to determine if they function as
expected. If those tests are successful, NIOSH will distribute sensors to
eight respirator manufacturer companies that volunteered to pursue this
collaborative research with NIOSH in response to a public notice in 2004. The
manufacturers will integrate the sensors into their own cartridges, and
return the integrated systems to NIOSH for testing and evaluation. For more
information, contact Jay Snyder at JSnyder@xxxxxxx.
Research Laboratory (SRL)
The Spokane Research Laboratory obtained and set up a 60 millimeter Split
Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) to measure the dynamic strength of rock and
other materials. The semi-truck sized SHPB was designed by researchers at the
Los Alamos National Laboratory to determine the dynamic properties of
concrete used to make nuclear missile silos. NIOSH researchers will use the
SHPB to simulate the stress on rock samples during typical blasting
operations in a mine. The process involves pressuring the gas gun with
nitrogen which fires the 60mm projectile or striker bar at the sample, in
this case rock. Pressure bars capture the shock wave so that it can be
measured and then apply the shock wave to the rock sample. From the waves,
both going in and out of the rock sample, NIOSH engineers determine the
dynamic properties of the rock that makes up the mine being studied. The SHPB
will help increase SRL researchers’ knowledge of dynamic properties and
be useful in developing formulas to predict the length of damage in rock from
a given blast. This in turn will help miners design their blasts to break
only the rock necessary and therefore, improving mine design and reducing the
occurrence of rock falls, a leading cause of fatalities in underground mines.
For more information, contact Jeff Johnson at JCJohnson@xxxxxxx.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention National Research and
Response Agenda Meeting
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the State of Maine
will co-host a Carbon
Monoxide Poisoning Prevention National Research and Response Agenda Meeting
July 12-13, 2006 in Portland, Maine. The meeting will focus on both
surveillance and communication issues for both emergency-related and
non-emergency related carbon monoxide poisoning prevention. For more
information, contact Scott Damon at SDamon@xxxxxxx.
Team Document [DHHS (NIOSH) Pub. No. 2006-121]
The Team Document:
Ten years of leadership advancing the National Occupational Research Agenda
describes the successes of the teams and reflects on lessons learned during
the first decade of NORA. Each NORA research team has described its efforts
through a discussion of its priority area, progress made in the last ten
years, and its perspective on important areas for future research. The Team
Document can be accessed at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2006-121.
NIOSH Bibliography of Communication and
Research Products 2005 [DHHS (NIOSH) Pub. No. 2006-132]
A bibliography of NIOSH communication and research products for the year 2005
is available in this new publication. Product types include journal articles,
book chapters, numbered publications, abstracts and proceedings, control
technology reports, fatality assessment and control evaluation reports, and
fire fighter fatality investigation reports. The publication can be accessed
at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2006-132.
Applications of Ground-Based Radar to
Mine Slope Monitoring [DHHS (NIOSH) Pub. No. 2006-116]
This publication summarizes developments in the application of ground-based
radar to slope stability monitoring and presents information on
NIOSH-sponsored experiments recently completed. The report can be accessed at
Temperature Corrections to Earth
Pressure Cells Embedded in Cemented Backfill [DHHS (NIOSH) Pub. No. 2006-103]
This report presents findings from a study by NIOSH and industry to determine
physical stress more accurately in backfill used to help keep mines
physically stable. The study investigates a process using thermistors to
record temperature readings which correct for the influence of temperature on
stress data. Determining backfill stress is an important part of evaluating
mine safety, whether personnel are working in proximity to backfill or in
other areas of the mine where backfill is an integral part of regional
support. The report can be accessed at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/pubs/pubreference/2006-103.htm.
Health Hazard Evaluations
- Evaluation of lead, arsenic, and other
exposures among municipal employees at a public park.
NIOSH investigators responded to a request from employee representatives
to assess concerns relating to a firing range and the use of
arsenic-containing insecticides and arsenic-treated lumber. Neither
environmental nor biological assessments found overexposure to lead or
arsenic although improvements in work practices in personal hygiene were
recommended to reduce unnecessary exposures. NIOSH investigators also documented
concerns and made recommendations about employee training, heat stress,
chemical handling, and noise exposures. The full report is available at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/hhe/reports/pdfs/2005-0153-2997.pdf.
- Evaluation
of selected occupational hazards at a dairy farm.
NIOSH investigators responded to a request from employees to assess
exposure to ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and dust. NIOSH investigators
observed work practices, conducted air sampling, interviewed employees,
and reviewed illness and injury logs. Sampling results did not indicate
overexposures to measured substances. Overall, the evaluation found that
the farm employed good health and safety practices, but some
improvements were needed with regards to handling of bleach. The full
report is available http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/hhe/reports/pdfs/2005-0271-2996.pdf.
American Conference on Human Vibration
The 1st
American Conference on Human Vibration will be held
June 5-7, 2006 in Morgantown, WV. The conference will provide a unique
opportunity for participants to exchange information on all aspects of human
responses to hand-transmitted vibration and whole-body vibration. Information
on the conference can be found at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/conferences/Vibration/.
International Respiratory Protection of Healthcare Workers and Emergency
The 13th
International Respiratory Protection of Healthcare Workers and Emergency
Responders Conference will be held August 27-September
1, 2006 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Topics for papers include respiratory
protection for healthcare workers, emergency responders, and those in
developing countries, updates on standards and regulations, emerging hazards
and technologies, and fundamentals of respiratory protection. More
information on the conference can be found at http://www.isrp.com/au.
Hearing Loss in Children at Work and Play
NIOSH and partners will cosponsor Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) in Children at
Work and Play October 19-20, 2006 in Cincinnati,
Ohio. The conference will focus on the issue of NIHL in children who
sometimes begin working as early as age 10-12 years, often in noisy
occupational environments, such as construction, agriculture, entertainment
and landscaping. Other cosponsors for the conference include the
National Hearing Conservation Association, Oregon Health and Science
University, the Marion Downs Hearing Center, the University of Northern Colorado,
and the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication
Disorders. More information on the conference is available at http://www.hearingconservation.org/conf_childrenconf.html.
December Nanotechnology Conference
NIOSH and the University of Cincinnati will cosponsor the International Conference on
Nanotechnology Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety: Research to
Practice December 3-8, 2006 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Centered on the impact of nanotechnology on occupational and
environmental health and safety, abstracts for poster presentations will be
accepted until June 30, 2006. For more information, visit the
conference Web site at http://www.uc.edu/noehs. The
conference follows other successful international forums cosponsored by NIOSH
in Buxton, U.K., in 2004, Minneapolis in 2006, and Miami earlier in 2006.
Bronchiolitis obliterans is an
uncommon lung disease characterized by fixed airways obstruction.
Inflammation and scarring occur in the smallest airways of the lung and can
lead to severe and disabling shortness of breath.
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