Just a reminder that Monday, April 3, is the last day to
register online for the NORA Symposium 2006. Please visit https://secure.nsc.org/forms/niosh_nora/register.cfm
today and enter your registration.
doing so, you will save time and money:
- Once online registration ends
on Monday, the advance rate of $250 will no longer be available, and
on-site registration will cost $300.
- We expect a vigorous turnout for the symposium. Avoid
the rush and long lines for on-site registration.
NORA Symposium 2006 will celebrate the accomplishments in the first decade of
the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA), honor the partnerships that
led to those successes, and launch the second decade of NORA. For further
details, see http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/nora/symp06/.
Your participation is important to us. We look forward to seeing you there.

Howard, M.D.
NIOSH Director