Emerging Infectious Diseases journal Vol. 11, No. 12, December 2005, is now available on the Web. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/index.htm Other articles published online ahead of print can be accessed at http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/upcoming.htm *********************************************** Abbreviated table of contents: INTRODUCTION Role of Multisectoral Partnerships, N. Marano et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-1322.htm PERSPECTIVES Framework for Classifying Disease Threats, A. Fenton and A.B. Pedersen http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0306.htm Bushmeat Hunting, Deforestation, and Zoonoses, N.D. Wolfe et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/04-0789.htm Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis, J.S. Dumler et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0898.htm SYNOPSIS Francisella tularensis in the United States, J. Farlow et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0728.htm RESEARCH Host Range and Emerging and Reemerging Pathogens, M.E.J. Woolhouse et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0997.htm Person-to-Person Transmission of Andes Hantavirus, V.A. Martinez et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0501.htm European Bat Lyssaviruses, the Netherlands, W.H.M van der Poel et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/04-1200.htm SARS-CoV Infection in a Restaurant from Palm Civet, M. Wang et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/04-1293.htm Echinococcosis in Tibetan Populations, L. Tiaoying et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0079.htm Porcine and Human Noroviruses, Q.-H. Wang et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0485.htm Intergenogroup Recombination in Sapoviruses, G.S. Hansman http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0722.htm Viral Load Distribution in SARS Outbreak, C.M. Chu et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/04-0949.htm Rabies Postexposure Prophylaxis, New York, J.D. Blanton et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/04-1278.htm Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Serotype O, N.J. Knowles et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0908.htm Bartonella henselae in Porpoise Blood, R.G. Maggie et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0969.htm Salmonella Typhimurium, Minnesota, 1997-2003, S.D. Wedel et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0158.htm Postepizootic Persistence of Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus, J.-C. Navarro et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0533.htm DISPATCHES Hunters Exposed to Simian Immunodeficiency Virus, M.L. Kalish et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0394.htm Methicillin-resistant Staphylococci in Companion Animals, K.E. Baptiste et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0241.htm Phocine Distemper Outbreak, the Netherlands, 2002, J.M. Rijks et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0596.htm Bat Nipah Virus, Thailand, S. Wacharapluesadee et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0613.htm Cat-transmitted Sporotrichosis, A. Schubach et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/04-0891.htm Bartonella quintana from Cynomolgus Monkey, L.G. O'Rourke et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/03-0045.htm Passatempo Virus in Brazil, J. Leite et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0773.htm Anthrax in Eastern Turkey, Z. Ozkurt et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0779.htm Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Risk and E. coli O157:H7, B. Tserenpuntsag et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0607.htm Hepatitis E Virus Transmission from Wild Boar Meat, T.-C. Li et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-1041.htm Human Rickettsia felis Infection, Canary Islands, J.-L. Perez-Arellano et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0711.htm Dogs and Rabies Transmission in China, X. Tang et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0271.htm MRSA in Pig Farming, A. Voss et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0428.htm Salmonella and Campylobacter spp. in Seals, R.A. Stoddard et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0752.htm LETTERS Echinococcus multilocularis in Estonia, E. Moks et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0339.htm Influenza Virus Infections in Racing Greyhounds, K.-J. Yoon et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0810.htm Syngamoniasis in Tourist, J.C. da Costa et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0713.htm Human Angiostrongylus cantonensis, Jamaica, C.A. Waugh et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0217.htm Nipah Virus Strain Variation (Replies) http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0220_05-1102.htm Trichinellosis Outbreak, E. Marva et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0461.htm Ciguatera Fish Poisoning, Canary Islands, J.-L. Perez-Arellano et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0393.htm Human Rabies in China, Y.-Z. Zhang et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/04-0775.htm Resistant S. Virchow in Quail Products, F.M. Aarestrup et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0977.htm Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium Clone, C. Novais et al. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0822.htm Rabies Vaccine Baits, Pennsylvania, V.M. Dato and C. Rupprecht http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-0685.htm Salmonella Veterinary Clinic Outbreak, J.F. Prescott http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/04-1295.htm ANOTHER DIMENSION The Enigma We Answer by Living, A.H. Deming http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/another_dimension.htm BOOK REVIEW Behind the Mask, M. Massoudi http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/05-1058.htm ABOUT THE COVER Painting from Life Nature's Unpredictable Menagerie, P. Potter http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no12/about_cover.htm *********************************************** Suggested citation for articles published electronically: Komar N, Lanciotti R, Bowen R, Langevin S, Bunning M. Detection of West Nile virus in oral and cloacal swabs collected from bird carcasses. Emerg Infect Dis [serial on the Internet]. 2002 Jul [cited 2002 May 30]. Available from http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol8no7/02-0157.htm To remove yourself from EID-TOC, send a message to LISTSERV@xxxxxxx with the following in the body of your message: SIGNOFF EID-TOC ISSN 1080-6059 This material is provided by the National Center for Infectious Diseases-a subunit of CDC/ATSDR. It has been cleared for public distribution and is authentic if accessed directly from listserv@xxxxxxx or eid-toc@xxxxxxx