Misters, I would greatly appreciate to have an access to this publication, if possible, please, or at least some comments : http://www.springerlink.com/content/h05w259872778081/ Runtime software modification method used on COTS system for high-availability network service Abstract Generally, providing high-availability services such as a network service with COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) hardware and OS is very difficult because network services require frequent software modifications. Existing network service systems achieve high availability by using specialized systems. We present a live-patch method that enables online software modification without disrupting service on a COTS system. The live-patch method modifies user software and kernel software without rebooting by changing execution of the function to modified function. The evaluation shows the adaptability of the presented implementation as COTS systems on Linux and x86CPU SMP machines I look forward to Your Answer, Best Regards, Guillaume FORTAINE "I have root @ Google"