Title: Dreammail 5 mail client XSS Vulnerability Software : Dreammail Software Version : v5.16 Vendor: www.dreammail.org Vulnerability Published : 2016-03-21 Author:zhenwei_qi Email:wwiinngd@xxxxxxxxx Impact : Medium(CVSS2 Base : 4.3, AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:N) Bug Description : DreamMail is an email client application, which allows its users to send, receive, and manage emails. Dreammail (ver 5.16) may be compromised by cross-site scripting attacks. Once attackers send emails attaching specific JavaScript codes, the victims who receive those emails may lose personal credentials, or the browsers of the victims may be hijacked. PoC: #The email becomes a malicious email when containing the code below. <img src=x onerror=alert(/xss/) /> Solution : Using such encode functions as htmlencode() or filtering those certain symbols regarding JavaScript as well as Html.