# Vulnerability type: SQL Injection # Vendor: http://www.netcracker.com/ # Product: NetCracker Resource Management System # Affected version: =< 8.0 # Patched version: 8.2 # Credit: Foo Jong Meng, Chia Junyuan, Benjamin Tan # CVE ID: CVE-2015-3423 # PROOF OF CONCEPT (SQLi) SQL Injection (SQLi) vulnerability in multiple pages in NetCracker Resource Management System and earlier allows authenticated users to inject SQL statements via multiple parameters. # VULNERABLE PARAMETERS: - ctrl - h____%2427 - h____%2439 - param0 - param1 - param2 - param3 - param4 - filter_INSERT_COUNT - filter_MINOR_FALLOUT - filter_UPDATE_COUNT - sort - sessid - (etc...) # SAMPLE PAYLOAD - ' # TIMELINE - 28/02/2015: Vulnerability found - 13/03/2015: Vendor informed - 13/03/2015: Vendor responded and acknowledged - 21/04/2015: Vendor fixed the issue - 22/07/2015: Public disclosure